WarCriminalsWatch EventsEvent
DescriptionWitness Against Torture will gather in Washington DC from June 22-26 to participate in the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition's (TASSC)"Torture Survivor's Week." Join us on June 23rd for a march and action focused on the 172 men that remain in Guantanamo, particularly the 90 men currently cleared for release but still being held. 11:00 am - Solemn procession from the White House to the Department of Justice to the Supreme Court to Congress. For more information: www.witnesstorture.org
Wikileaks files reveal corrupt system of detention The hundreds of classified "Joint Task Force" documents distributed by Wikileaks to The New York Times, National Public Radio, The Telegraph, McClatcheys and other news organization confirm what critics of the detention camp at Guantanamo have long maintained: that men are detained there based on a patchwork of insinuations, Orwellian double-think, and pseudo-evidence contaminated by torture and an internal system that rewards detainees for speaking against their fellow captives. The prison should therefore be closed, with a fair judicial process - and not the notoriously unreliable assessments of the US military - used to weigh actual evidence in determining the fate of the detained men. "The Wikileaks documents further reveal Guantanamo as a full systems failure that spans two administrations and implicates every branch of government," says Matt Daloisio of Witness Against Torture. "If there is any hope to ending the Guantanamo nightmare, it must be found in a time tested system of law instead of fear-driven politics that has led the Congress, the Executive, and the Judiciary to imprison innocent men, justify cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and fail at holding anyone accountable." While recording detainees' minor transgressions of camp policy, the files make scant mention of the abuse - including physical torture - that many suffered at American hands. They describe as suicides the deaths in 2006 of three detained men that, independent evidence suggest, may have been the result of torture. And they reveal that the testimony of unreliable witnesses and informants has repeatedly been used to justify continued detentions. "Internal assessments like these have been terribly unreliable, as case after case has shown, and as the high percentage of successful habeas challenges suggests," says Jeremy Varon on Witness Against Torture. "It's time to turn the page on this dreadful interrogation camp. It can never be reconciled with the law and the values Americans profess. It must close."
Witness Against Torture demands:
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