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Protest When Rice Speaks
05.06.2011 - 05.06.2011 15.00 - 16.00
Stanford University - Palo Alto
Community Events


... at The Inaugural Stanford China Law & Policy Conference: Law and the Chinese Transformation, Keynote Condoleezza Rice.

Condoleezza Rice says YES to endless war and torture. WE SAY NO!
Join public protest this Friday afternoon at Stanford when Condoleezza
Rice delivers a public address:

Stanford Law School, Room 290
Registration (FREE) online


With extraordinary chutzpah, former Bush Regime Secretary of State Rice
presumes to counsel corporate governance for . . . China?

Decades of bombing, invasion, occupation and torture -- we interrupt this
program. The U.S. government and its academic lackeys are in NO position
to profess professional expertise OR moral authority on matters of
international law.

It is our responsibility, as people of conscience, to repudiate messengers
of endless war and torture.

See this just posted on The Anti-Empire Report by William Blum:


 On April 9, Condoleezza Rice delivered a talk in San
Francisco. Or tried to. The former Secretary of State was interrupted
repeatedly by cries from the audience of "war criminal" and "torturer".
(For which we can thank our comrades in Code Pink and World Can't Wait.)
As one of the protesters was being taken away by security guards, Rice
made the kind of statement that has now become standard for high American
officials under such circumstances: "Aren't you glad this lady lives in a
democracy where she can express her opinion?" She also threw in another
line that's become de rigueur since the US overthrew Saddam Hussein, an
argument that's used when all other arguments fail: "The children of Iraq
are actually not living under Saddam Hussein, thank God . . ."

These days we're told: the way of the world is endless war, imperial
domination, and the American Spirit of Kill Teams, Kill Photos, and
Collateral Murder.  We are told to accept and even applaud --  unspeakable
acts of bloodshed and torture, and aggressive acts of illegal,
illegitimate war.

       Raise YOUR voice to SAY NO!
       Raise OUR voice to refuse complicity with war crimes!

For more information, email or call the World Can't Wait.


Stanford University
Palo Alto
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