WCW Home War Criminals Watch Events Details - Stand Against the Murder of Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller!

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Stand Against the Murder of Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller!
06.06.2009 - 06.06.2009 17.00 - 20.00
3rd St. Promenade - Santa Monica
Community Events


Join World Can't Wait, Libros Revolucion, LA Revolution Club, and many others for a speak out against the assassination of courageous and caring abortion provider,Doctor George Tiller.  Bring your signs, your voices, your outrage, and your determination to stand for abortion on demand and without apology along with people all across the country who are organizing hundreds of protests and vigils this week.  Check out slide show from WCW-initiated NYC speak-out here.
Read this new article from Sunsara Taylor, national advisory board member of World Can't Wait and writer for Revolution newspaper, and take to heart the challenge to act.
On Dr. Tiller's Death:  'Common Ground' Is a Deadly Illusion; Abortion on Demand and Without Apology
"The killing of Dr. George Tiller, the courageous abortion provider from Kansas, has thrown down a moral and a practical challenge to every human being in this country.

History has been punctuated. The future will pivot one way or the other depending on what we do.

Either this killing will succeed in creating a climate where abortion providers cannot do their work and no one else joins them in that work, or it will be answered by growing numbers of people waking up, coming off the sidelines, defending our doctors and our clinics, and reversing the whole dynamic that has led to this situation where not only abortion, but birth control too, is imperiled.

Between these two possibilities, there really is no lasting neutral 'middle ground'."
Read full article here.


3rd St. Promenade
3rd & Arizona Streets
Santa Monica
Country: us

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