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War Criminals Watch Panels at Left Forum
03.20.2011 - 03.20.2011 
Pace University - New York
Speaking Engagements


War Criminals Watch will be hosting two panels on Sun., March 20th  at the Left Forum and will have a table in the exhibition hall during the entire conference, March 18th-20th.   Please visit our table and come to our panels.

From the Bush Regime's "War on Terror" to "Obama's Contingency Operation" - Why We Resist 

An examination of how the Obama administration is, in some ways, worse than the Bush regime in prosecuting secret wars in Pakistan and Yemen with the use of secret ops and unmanned drone attacks; night raids in Afghanistan; continuing involvement of troops, contractors and the largest embassy in the world in Iraq; the development of list of targets for extra-judicial killing by the CIA; the continuation of renditions to third countries, denial of habeas rights for detainees in Bagram; and revelations of the US military policy of fostering human rights abuse of prisoners by puppet armies.

Debra Sweet, Director of World Can't Wait - Moderator


Mathis Chiroux - Army veteran, Iraq war resister

Pardiss Kebriaei - Center for Constitutional Rights

Eric Stoner - Journalist, Adjunct Professor at St. Peter's College, War Resisters League, just returned from Afghanistan


What We Learned From WikiLeaks Revelations

A look at some specific revelations about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen and the importance of getting this information to the public:
  • The CIA operates a secret army of 3,000 in Afghanistan
  • A secret US Task Force 373 is assigned to nighttime hunter-killer raids
    in Afghanistan
  • The US ambassador in Kabul says it is impossible to fix corruption when
    our ally is the corrupt entity
  • US Special Forces and ground troops operate in Pakistan without public acknowledgement, apparently in violation of that country’s sovereignty;
  • The US ally, Pakistan, is the chief protector of the Taliban in Afghanistan
  • Following secret US air strikes against suspected al-Qaeda militants, Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh told General David Petraeus, "We'll
    continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours."

Debra Sweet, Director of World Can't Wait - Moderator


Kevin Gosztola - OpEDNews.com and WikiLeaks Central

Danny Schechter -  Founder of MediaChannel, Founder and Exec. VP of Globalvision, Inc.


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