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Protest Anniversary of Presidential Authorization of Torture
02.07.2011 - 02.07.2011 11.00 - 13.00
Hennepin County Government Center - Minneapolis
Community Events


Come to a vigil and Postcard signing and mailing event protesting nine years of
Presidential authorization of torture in America in the atrium of the Hennepin County Government Center.  Meet at the north entrance.

On February 7, 2002 George W. Bush declared that the Geneva Conventions did not
apply to the prisoners at Guantanamo Prison.  This unprecedented statement opened
the floodgates to prisoner abuse, cruel and unusual punishment and torture by
American citizens, both authorized and unauthorized.  America began to torture as a
matter of policy for the first time.

And it has not stopped.  There are still 174 political prisoners at Guantanamo,
nearly half of which the the US Government has said have committed no crime and they
do not intend to indict, yet they also do not intend to let free.  The infection has
spread from Guantanamo to secret prisons around the world, and homeward to holding
of over 50,000 inmates in US prisons now held in 23 hour a day solitary confinement,
and a daily stream of vitriolic speech on the nation’s main media.  Children under
the age of 11 only know an America that condones and commits torture. 

At the event we will be asking people to sign and send postcards decrying this sad
history to elected officials, judges, attorneys-general and anyone who should know
and/or act on these facts.  All judicial systems in the United States are authorized
to indict anyone on a Federal crime and authorization of torture is a Federal crime,
so any law enforcer from a local police officer to the US Attorney General is
authorized and, in fact, compelled to act on evidence of a crime.  We will be
encouraging them to do so with our cards and vigil.

Join us!  

Organized by Tackling Torture At The Top, a committee of WAMM, Women Against
Military Madness.  For more information contact WAMM at www.worldwidewamm.org,

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Hennepin County Government Center
300 North Sixth Street
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