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War Criminals Tour
05.30.2009 - 05.30.2009 
Community Events


WCW is organizing a "Prosecute the War Criminals!" Tour on
Saturday May 30.  For anyone who hasn't counted lately, the Bay Area is now home to
5 (yes FIVE) major war criminals.  We have a solid history of important protests
over John Yoo and now the challenge has grown 5-fold! To kick off a new wave of
resistance, the first Tour will take us to the doorsteps of these criminals:  John
Yoo (UC Berkeley Law), Jay Bybee (Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco),
James Haynes (General Counsel for Chevron in San Ramon), Condoleeza Rice (Stanford)
and Nancy Pelosi (her SF Federal Building office).  Contact us for further details on this event in progress or to help: 
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , 415-864-5153.

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