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"Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week
10.10.2010 - 10.16.2010 
Community Events


"Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week is here!  Sunday with Andy Worthington and
Justine Sharrock is Opening Night  – followed by a very charged seven days and
evenings of programs, shows, and protests. Starting yesterday, an amazing crowd of
speakers from all over the U.S. (and London!) has started gathering in Berkeley,
eager to connect for this Week – and eager to meet you.

World Can't Wait activists have been in the thick of organizing this Week, together
with National Lawyers Guild, Progressive Democrats, and Code Pink friends.  As more
and more people heard about it and wanted to help, the events calendar started
growing.  Until we were startled to realize, a few days ago, that this Week may well
bring together the largest and most diverse group of anti-torture voices in a single
event, since Bush and Cheney opened the gates at Guantanamo.

With the City Council declaring October 10-16 "Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week,
and a unique and impressive list of endorsements, we in Northern California have a
chance to make this Week a big advance for the anti-war and anti-torture movements
in this country overall.  Here is the Calendar so you can see this for yourself, in
time to get yourself to our first event Sunday evening -- after which, you won't
want to miss a day!  Do check back to the website for daily updates….. Sign up to
volunteer- -- Spread the word to lists, media, campuses --  send money  -- and
contact us to help in any way you can


Sun 10/10 at 7 pm           Author reading: Andy Worthington (The Guantanamo Files: The
Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prisons) and Justine Sharrock
(Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things) read and discuss their work.  Sponsored
by Revolution Books.  Location: Revolution Books, 2425 Channing (just below

Mon 10/11 at 7 pm        Film screening - Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo
followed by Q /A with author and producer Andy Worthington.  Sponsored by Berkeley
Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee.  Location: BFUU
Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita)

Tues 10/12 11 AM         Protest action at UC Berkeley Law (Boalt Hall) sponsored by World
Can't Wait and others. Gather here where Torture Professor John Yoo teaches
constitutional law every Tuesday.  All are welcome who see harboring a war criminal
as complicity with his crimes.  March with the hooded "detainees" to call on those
with responsibility for UC's complicity with torture.  Location: Rally at Bancroft
Ave. at College Ave.

Tues 10/12 7:00-8:30 PM          The Giant John Yoo Debate. Join World Can't Wait, lawyers,
law students, and surprise guests for a real debate over Yoo's theories and legal
work defending torture
Location:  Bancroft Ave. at College Ave.

Wed 10/13  12 Noon        Protest action: Say No to Torture!   Sponsored by Code Pink. 
Location: Marine Recruitment Station, 64 Shattuck Square, 1/2 block south of
University Ave.

Wed 10/13  4:30 PM         Defying Torture: The Art of Dissent.  A conversation with
historian/critic/activist Peter Selz and artists Clinton Fein and Richard Kamler.
Location: UC Berkeley Art Museum Theater, 2621 Durant Avenue

Wed 10/13 7 PM          Roundtable:  Writers on Torture.  Andy Worthington, Justine
Sharrock, Barry Eisler (whose best-selling thriller Inside Out covers the real-life
mystery of the destroyed CIA waterboarding videotapes), and Rita Maran (Torture: The
Role of Ideology in the French-Algerian War).    Moderated by Shahid Buttar (Bill of
Rights Defense Committee). Location: University Lutheran Church, 2425 College Ave.
(at Haste)

Thurs 10/14 at 7 PM        Forum on Torture and the Law, Torture and Human Rights.
Marjorie Cohn (past president National Lawyers Guild, author Rules of Disengagement
and Cowboy Republic), Andy Worthington,  Shahid Buttar, and Debra Sweet (National
Director, World Can't Wait).  Moderated by Ray McGovern.  Location: UC Berkeley Law
Boalt Hall, Room 105, 2778 Bancroft Way (at Piedmont)

Fri 10/15 Noon-1 PM        CLE credit class for attorneys: "The Illegality of Torture and
the Complicity of Lawyers"  Taught by Marjorie Cohn. Registration, location/time:

Fri 10/15 Daytime         Two programs  at Booth Auditorium, UC Berkeley Law Boalt Hall,
2778 Bancroft Way (at Piedmont)
        1:30-3 PM         "Torture, Human Experimentation, and the Department of Defense" Jason
        Leopold (Truthout) interviews psychologist, blogger, and activist Jeffrey Kaye.

        3-4:30 PM          Panel: Psychologists and Torture.  Adrianne Aron, Ruth Fallenbaum,
Pierre         LaBossiere, Patricia Isasa.    Co-sponsored by School of the Americas Watch
(SOAW) East Bay/SF.

Fri 10/15 at 7 PM        "Reckoning with Torture - An Evening of Conscience" Andy
Worthington, Marjorie Cohn, Ray McGovern, Mimi Kennedy, devorah major, Jeffrey Kaye,
Renee Saucedo, Col. Ann Wright, Fr. Louis Vitale OFM, Jason Leopold, Abdi Soltani
and more.  Sponsored by ACLU-Northern California; Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture;
National Lawyers Guild, Boalt Chapter; Progressive Democrats of America; World Can't
Wait, and Code Pink.  Location: UC Berkeley Law, Booth Auditorium, 2778 Bancroft Way
(at Piedmont)

Sat 10/16 at 2:30 PM        Author reading: Jeff Haas (The Assassination of Fred Hampton:
How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther) will discuss the book,
and  his experience as a people's lawyer. Jeff will talk about the film "The End of
a Nightstick", in which he's featured, about fighting and uncovering police
brutality and torture in Chicago.  Sponsored by Revolution Books.   Location:
Revolution Books, 2425 Channing Way (just below Telegraph Ave.)

Sat 10/16 at 7 PM        "Pedro and the Captain"  Dramatic reading from the famous play by
Mario Benedetti by Mark McGoldrick and Youseef Elias, directed by Angelina
Llongueras.  Performed in honor of Berkeley Says No To Torture Week.  Location:
Fireside Room, Live Oak Community Center, 1301 Shattuck Avenue

AND . . . "Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week also includes local bookstores doing
special displays – a high school classroom War and Torture teach-in with several of
our speakers --  Metta Center for Nonviolence sponsoring 3 meditations – businesses
displaying posters and banners . . .

The Berkeley Says No to Torture Week Oct 10-16 has a website.  For more info go to:


and then from there, go to the new Facebook page.

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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait

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