Join investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, bestselling author of
Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
and Big Noise Films for a one night only event, the premiere of
"Blackwater's Youngest Victim," a documentary investigation into
Baghdad's Nisour Square Massacre.
Based on the reports for Democracy Now! and the Nation, the short
film tells the story of nine year old Ali Khanani, who was shot by
Blackwater mercenaries on September 16, 2007 in Baghdad's Nisour
Square. It provides the most detailed eyewitness account of the
massacre ever given to US news outlets.
Discussion with Jeremy Scahill to follow the screening.
Big Noise will also premiere "WHITE POWER USA," another video off our
new dvd release Dispatches Vol. 6. The short film goes into the heart
of an escalating white power movement in America today and explores
its dangerous influences on mainstream politics.
Tickets are a minimum $10 donation.
Buy Advance tickets now
Supporter and DVD
Get your ticket and reserve your copy of Big Noise's latest video
compilation, Dispatches Vol. 6 - including "Blackwater's Youngest
Victim" - to pick up at the screening.
(212) 505-5181