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March on Washington! US Out of Afghanistan & Iraq Now!
03.13.2010 - 03.22.2010 
Community Events


War Criminals Watch suggests you make plans to be in Washington DC during this important time!

Under President Obama, the US now has more troops deployed than it ever did under Bush! NOW is the time to raise the resistance and mobilize in the streets to demand an end to these unjust, immoral wars and occupations.

On the day marking the 7th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, join World Can't Wait in Washington, D.C. on March 19/20 with Peace of the Action and the ANSWER Coalition.  Friday, March 19 is a day of action & outreach.  Saturday is a mass march on the White House.  World Can't Wait is also supporting the marches in Los Angeles and San Francisco on March 20.

Organize your own protest wherever you are, or find an event near you!

Cindy Sheehan´s Peace of the Action begins Camp OUT NOW on Saturday, March 13 on the Mall.  Peace Actions begin Monday, March 22.

Peace of the Action Demands:

  • Troops out of the Middle East, which includes drones, permanent bases, contractors and torture/detention facilities.
  • Reparations for the peoples of these war torn regions and a fully funded VA system to reintegrate our soldiers healthfully into our society.


Join the protest greeting John Yoo when he comes to speak at the University of Virginia Law School on March 19th.  For more information click here.



National Protests Demand End the Occupation of Afghanistan & Iraq on Saturday, March 20 in Washington DC, San Francisco & Los Angeles.  World Can't Wait urges you to participate in one of these protests, or organize your own protest on the day the Bush regime invaded Iraq in 2003. 

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