WCW Home War Criminals Watch Events Details - 8 Years Too Long - Resisting Torture & Indefinite Detention at Guantánamo & Beyond: A Conversation

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8 Years Too Long - Resisting Torture & Indefinite Detention at Guantánamo & Beyond: A Conversation
01.11.2010 - 01.11.2010 19.00
Georgetown School of Law - Washington
Community Events


This event will be held in McDonough - Room 207.

You care about justice, human rights and the rule of law. You had hoped that the election of Barack Obama and his order to shut down Guantánamo and end torture would mean a decisive break the Bush administration. Almost a year later, you are disheartened that more than 200 men remain at Guantánamo, frustrated that the administration promising hope and change is delivering too little of either, and worried about plans for a new system of indefinite detention at an Illinois prison.  And you are fearful, as the right again stirs up fear and hatred, that even the modest shifts away from Bush-era policies, such as plans to hold civilian trials for some detainees, will be undone.  You are not alone.

Join the growing grassroots movement organizing on these issues.  Help us strategize new approaches to a quickly-changing knot of problems. Hear the latest from lawyers working to secure basic legal and human rights for detainees at Guantánamo and elsewhere. Learn what communities are doing to invite innocent men at Guantánamo into their communities. Accept the invitation to fast, lobby, and demonstrate for justice.  Share your own experience, perspective, ideas and humanity.

Vincent Warren
, Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights
Pardiss Kebriaie, Staff Attorney with Guantánamo Global Justice Initiative at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she represents Guantanamo detainees and provides coordination for other pro bono attorneys working on Guantanamo cases.
Nancy Talanian, Director of No More Guantanamos, which spearheaded the successful passage of a resolution in Amherst, Massachusetts welcoming one or two cleared Guantánamo Bay detainees to their community.
Matt Daloisio, organizer with Witness Against Torture

Moderated by Frida Berrigan, Witness Against Torture


Georgetown School of Law
600 New Jersey Ave., NW
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