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Emergency Closure of General Dynamics 155mm Shell Factory in Biden's Hometown, Scranton PA
12.03.2023 - 12.03.2023 12.00
General Dynamics Shell Factory - Scranton
Community Events


The Biden Administration ordered 57,000 155mm shells to be delivered to Israel.

Josh Paul, a former senior State Department official overseeing arms sales who resigned in protest last month, said that Israel is in violation of international law. "Israel is committing war crimes in its actions in Gaza right now," he said. "And it's not just my opinion. I've actually heard from officials across government, including elected officials at a very senior level, who share that opinion but aren't willing to say it in public."

Human Rights Watch has been tracking human rights abuses of the Israelis. Two years ago they listed multiple persecutions of Palestinians and the use of violence to enforce a system of apartheid and imprison the whole population of Gaza.

Resisters to the U.S. government breaking international law and our own Leahy Law that prohibits sending weapons to known human rights violators will block the main gate of General Dynamics Slaughter House in Scranton. 155 mm shells made at the Scranton facility have been used by Israeli artillery to bomb Gaza where over 15,000 people have been killed with 75% being children and women. The geographic area of Gaza is just one-third the size of Lackawanna County. Israel has dropped 25,000 tons of explosives on tiny Gaza -- equal to the explosive force of two nuclear bombs.

Multiple international human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International, have been tracking Israeli abuses of the people of Palestine for the past 75 years and report that the killing and destruction in Gaza exceeds all violence of the past.

155 mm cluster bombs tested on Vietnamese peasants are being fired into tiny Gaza along with 155 mm loaded with white phosphorus that burns flesh to the bone as did the use of napalm by the United States in Vietnam.

A solemn funeral procession with people wearing white death masks and carrying shrouds of symbolic children will process along the main gate to the Slaughter House as the Arabic names of the children are sung out. An Imam will pray with funeral verses chanted from the Quran. Members of the cortege will do a die-in blocking the main gate.

National Director of Veterans For Peace Mike Furner, and National Veterans For Peace Board Member, Nick Mottern, will call for the shutting down of the law-breaking General Dynamics factory and signs will be placed on the Slaughter House fence proclaiming the violation of the Leahy Law.


General Dynamics Shell Factory
156 Cedar Ave.
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