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Until Guantanamo Closes, We Resist - Washington DC
01.06.2019 - 01.13.2019 17.00
Community Events


Witness Against Torture invites you to gather with them in community in Washington, DC, January 6th to 13th for Witness Against Torture’s 2019 Fast for Justice.

Once again they will fast and witness through dramatic actions to mark a tragic and ongoing history. Seventeen years ago on January 11th the prison camp at Guantanamo opened. To this day it remains a living symbol of US torture and human rights abuses, and is still a place of misery for 40 Muslim men.  And under this president we face the ominous threat that the number imprisoned there will rise again.

It is easy to lose hope in these troubling times. But hope resides in bearing witness to injustice, lifting up human dignity, and imploring our fellow citizens not to turn their eyes away. And so we gather. Learn about thier actions in past years at witnessagainsttorture.com.

Join – for the week or for a day, but especially on Friday January 11th.

To RSVP and to reserve your space at the hostel, send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Arrive: Sunday, Jan. 6, 5:00 pm or later at First Trinity Church hostel, opening circle at 8:00 pm.
Depart: Sunday, Jan. 13, after breakfast and closing circle.
Please visit Witness Against Torture for further details.
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