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Shut Down Creech! (Nevada)
09.30.2018 - 10.06.2018 
Community Events


Come to the 4th annual nonviolent, peaceful, mass mobilization to SHUT DOWN CREECH, and help put an end to the barbarism of drone murder.  Per a NY Times article over 900 drone pilots/operators are actively working at Creech, remotely murdering people in foreign lands, often away from any battlefield, while victims are going about their daily lives:  driving on the highway, praying at a mosque, attending schools, funerals and wedding parties, eating dinner with their family or sleeping in their beds.

Nonviolent mass civil resistance planned for Thursday, October 4, with preparation and planning taking place on Tues. & Wed., Oct. 2 & 3. See the week's scheduled program.

Peaceful vigils daily, Monday - Friday, Oct. 1st - 5th, during the rush hour commute times: 6:00 - 8:00 am and 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Thousands of cars enter and exit at these times, and demonstrats will stretch out along Highway 95 with large signs, banners and other visuals/props throughout the week with vigil themes that will vary each day.

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