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Shut Down Creech in NV!
04.23.2017 - 04.29.2017 
Community Events


For more details on Shut Down Creech actions and events this week, visit the Facebook Event page.


Trump Expands Killer Drone Program

“Suck It Up!” reply Trump supporters to voters expressing buyer's remorse for
their choice of president. Columnist John Dunphy at the Alton Telegraph feels
little sympathy for the disgruntled. “By voting for this vile demagogue, they
brought a disaster on all of us.” Any delusions about the new president’s
reticence for war were dispelled two days into his administration, when the
U.S. launched a deadly drone strike in Yemen, killing at least 10 people. In
what may prove to be “one of the greatest military buildups in American
history,” blusters Donald Trump, “no one will dare question, as they have been
because we are very depleted, our military might again.”

The delegation of military decisions to a demonstrably unstable autocrat is
cause for global alarm. People living in the United States have an obligation to
do everything possible to drive Donald Trump and his corporate sponsors from
power, before they can fully consolidate their forces.

Trump’s proposal for a “hard power”federal budget calls for huge increases in military spending and cuts in damn near everything else. The Trump/Pence regime has wasted little time in embracing extrajudicial assassination of allusive
‘enemies’, a practice codified by Obama. Relying largely on the deployment of armed drones, which indiscriminately annihilate everyone in their path, strikes and casualties are escalating.

Just last Thursday, March 16, a U.S. Reaper Drone killed 49 people, mostly or
all civilians, while they were praying in their mosque in a village near Aleppo,
Syria, notes Bay Area activist Toby Blomé. “Now more than ever, the times
demand that we resist U.S. drone assassinations and perpetual wars!“
For a Peaceful Planet Free of Militarized Drones and War, support the 3rd
Annual SHUT DOWN CREECH: National Mobilization April 23-29
Creech Air Force Base personnel sit behind computers in the desert north of
Las Vegas and kill "suspects" thousands of miles away. Since 2009 dozens of
activists have been arrested for allegedly trespassing, while attempting to
peacefully interrupt the indiscriminate killing and burning of innocent people by

“Let's make SHUT DOWN CREECH 2017 an even more powerful stance,” say
organizers. “Please join us, and help spread the word. Support people, who
aren't able to risk arrest, are equally needed. Come one, come all. Together we
are PEACE!”

For more information go to Shut Down Creech!


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