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Call to Action to STOP the War on Yemen!
04.10.2017 - 04.16.2017 10.00 - 14.00
Isaiah Wall - New York
Community Events


On April 10, 2017, members of the New York Catholic Worker community, CodePink, the Upstate Coalition to End the Wars and Ground the Drones, and Voices for Creative Nonviolence will begin a week-long fast in New York City and around the country. Join in a publice presence across from the United Nations at the Isaiah Wall.

As we fast from all solid foods, we urge others to join us in calling for a humane response to the famine facing Yemeni civilians whose country has been ravaged by civil war and regularly targeted by Saudi and U.S. airstrikes. Estimates from UNICEF are that more than 460,000 children in Yemen face severe malnutrition, while 3.3 million children and pregnant or lactacting women suffer acute malnutrition.More than 10,000 people have been killed, including 1,564 children, and millions have been displaced from their homes.

If you can’t make it to NYC, you can post your message of support for Yemenis using the hashtags #RememberYemen #YemenIsStarving (don't forget to tag us!), or plan an action in your local community. Please let us know if you want to organize any actions locally on April 9th to16th so we can support you.

Supporting Organizations: World Can’t Wait, Veterans for Peace NYC Chapter 34, World Beyond War, Kairos, Just Foreign Policy, Peaceworkers, New York Vets for Peace, Pax Christi Metro New York, Know Drones, Granny Peace Brigade, NY, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, D.C., and Benincasa Community, NY (list in formation)


Isaiah Wall
1st Avenue @ 43rd Street
New York
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