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DC National March to Say NO to Trump/Pence Climate Attack!
04.29.2017 - 04.29.2017 
Community Events


On the hundreth day of the Trump/Pence Regime in office, we are facing an unprecedented attack on the very air we breath, the water we drink and the earth we live on. People from around the country will be gathering in Washington, DC  in a massive and unified March for Climate, Jobs and Justice.

In Sept. 2014  close to half a million people marched in the streets of NYC for the historic Peoples Climate March. We showed the world how far the climate justice movement had come.  Now, despite Trump stacking his cabinet with climate deniers and fossil fuel cronies, with generals and billionaires, we will visibly demonstrate that our movement to save our planet is even bigger, broader, more diverse and more empowered than ever before.

On April 29, we will march for clean air and clean water. We will march for clean energy jobs and climate justice. We will march for our communities and the people we love.

We will march in the spirit of the unprecedented Women’s Marches and other powerful rallies that shook the globe in the hours and days following the inauguration of Donald Trump and the 115th Congress. And we will march to demonstrate our resistance to Trump and Congress’ attacks on our climate, our communities, and our jobs.  Drive the fascist regime out!

Buy your NYC bus tickets now! You can purchase an individual ticket or you can contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for a bus for your group. Get you friends to buy tickets as well. If you have questions about buses, or suggestions for additional bus departure locations, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

People outside of NYC, please go to this page for bus and other transportation information.

For those of you who are in parts of the country too distant from Washington DC to make it there, there will be sister marches. The People's Climate Movement has a new toolkit available for satellite march organizers. If you are planning a satellite march, please (1) check the PCM website to see if someone is already planning a march (if so, connect with them!), (2) register your event and create an organizing page on our site, (3) check out the toolkit for more organizing tips and resources.

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