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Connecting the Dots....No Ban No Wall No Killer Drones at Hancock Airport/Air Base
02.07.2017 - 02.07.2017 16.15 - 17.00
Hancock Air Base - Mattydale
Community Events


By Mary Anne Grady Flores

Thank God for the great crowd of 1,000 protesting Trump's Ban of Immigrants at Syracuse International Airport, as thousands flooded airports all across the US last Saturday night, Jan. 28th, when the ban first went into effect!

We have a beautiful foto of a member of the Afghan Youth Peace Team with a poster saying "We Wish to Live Without War". The youth sent a bolt of the sky blue fabric to US drone activists to wear as blue scarves to remember their wish for blue skies....skies safe without killer and surveillance drones hovering over them and assassinating them causing people to flee and become refugees.

Ironically on the other side of the same Hancock Airport campus of Syracuse is Hancock Air National Guard Drone Base. Many locals are not aware that the US assassinates people from Hancock Drone Base. Our US drone policy of execution without due process is a part of the driving force for the refugee crisis throughout the seven countries Trump has listed in his ban of people from the Middle East.

Lets work together to connect the dots.....drone assassinations cause people to flee...who become refugees.... who need asylum in other countries....countries who shut their borders to refugees....like the US under Trump.

I invite that great crowd of 1,000 to come around the corner to the other entrance of the same airport campus....to the Hancock Drone Base on East Malloy Rd, in DeWitt, East Syracuse, and demand that Hancock end their drone killings with MQ9-Reaper drones. We violate our US Constitution and International Law when we kill with drones.

We, who gather, would be giving a message of peace to the world and to the parents and children of the Middle East, saying "You can stay and live in peace in your own homes. You don't have to flee the drones and become refugees. We, too, wish that you live without war."

To Do:

Join us as we continue to say #NOKILLERDRONES

Hancock Air National Guard Base 4:15-5:00 pm firstt Tues. every month


Hancock Air Base
6001 E Molloy Rd
Country: us
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