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Bring DC to a halt! Millions in the Street Say NO!
01.14.2017 - 01.21.2017 
Community Events


Don't Stop!

Starting before the Inauguration, flood the streets of Washington, DC with millions of people, determined to stay on the streets to stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts.

This starts January 14, the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, and DOES NOT STOP till this regime is prevented from ruling. This is the kind of political crisis needed at this moment in history. It has happened before, and it can happen again.

Clear your calendar to “get on the bus” to DC, and be part of making history.

What Can I Do to Prepare and Organize for This?

You are needed to make this happen.

Come to DC now, as soon as possible, and volunteer with the core group of refusefascism.org that will be reaching out, organizing, and preparing. There is nothing more important than being there now, building the political beachhead for what we’re working to make a flood of millions going into the week before the Inauguration. By our actions and organizing, by going everywhere, we can inspire, awaken and draw forward the reservoirs of people in anguish over the horrific future represented by the Trump-Pence regime. Call the National Office of RefuseFascism.org at (917) 407-1286 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to hook up.

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