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Turning wars for empire into entertainment? NO!
08.20.2016 - 08.20.2016 10.00 - 14.00
North Avenue Bridge - Chicago
Community Events


The annual "Air & Water Show" on the shores of Lake Michigan seeks to turn weapons of war into entertainment and recruit young people to kill and die for empire. Combat jets roar overhead, but the reality of death that their payloads deliver in other countries remains invisible. For the last seven and one-half years, the U.S., under a Democratic Commander in Chief, has used the extreme military power this show glorifies to wage illegitimate and immoral war on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, and Libya, which is once again under U.S. bombardment. Meanwhile, Obama maintains the torture camp at Guantanamo that he pledged to close on "day 1."

These wars are now largely conducted through the use of killer drones, remotely controlled, without accountability, illegal and deeply hated around the world. World Can't Wait and Voices for Creative Non-violence will have a model Reaper drone at our protest this Saturday. We will also display images of a few of the thousands of victims of this terror from the sky. This action will be an opportunity to talk to hundreds of people, especially young people, parents and teachers. We will be sharing the reality of wars for empire and pointing out that the change we need will not be on the ballot. No Commander in Chief will stop the "war on terror" or stop this culture of hate and violence. That's up to us!

What: Protest the "Air & War Show" 
When: Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 am to 2 pm
Where: On the west side of North Ave Bridge (look for the banner pictured below)
If you are on Facebook, please "join" our event there, invite friends, and share widely!


North Avenue Bridge
West side
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