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Protest When US War Criminal Kissinger Speaks
11.15.2015 - 11.15.2015 18.00 - 19.30
Hankin Academic Arts Building - Valhalla
Community Events


WHAT’S GOING ON? The Westchester Community College (WCC) Foundation has invited Henry Kissinger to speak on ways to promote “global order and international harmony” at a campus forum on Sunday, November 15, for $100 a ticket and up.

Yet, as a senior US government official and policy advisor, Henry Kissinger has left a bloody trail of death and destruction that stretches around the globe. As just one example, he authorized massive bombing raids that killed an estimated 950,000 civilians in Cambodia and Laos alone, while serving in the Nixon administration. (See reverse side for a partial summary of his other serious crimes.)

Apparently, the WCC Foundation does not understand recent history well enough to realize that Henry Kissinger is an extremely poor choice for a panel discussion on “global order and international harmony.” In fact, his life and work is a stunning example of how to promote global disorder by instigating aggressive military and covert operations, and providing military and police aid to tyrannical governments – often flouting both U.S. and international law – and entirely get away with it.

If you care about peace, human rights, and democracy, please join the vigil to hold Henry Kissinger accountable, and educate the public about the need for ethical and responsible U.S. foreign policies that encourage diplomacy, reduce international tensions, and promote respect for human rights.  Sponsored by WESPAC Foundation, War Criminals Watch, Americans for Accountability, East Timor Action Group, Individuals Taking Action and People’s War Crimes Tribunal (list in formation).

WCC Foundation: Please Do Your Homework Before You Schedule a Panel Discussion! The WCC Foundation’s “President’s Forum” with its “Catered Dinner and Dessert Reception,” dishonors the lives and memories of millions of people around the globe – Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Chileans, East Timorese, and so many others -- who were bombed, strafed, napalmed, maimed, shot, displaced, kidnapped, jailed, interrogated, tortured and/or exiled -- as a result of US military campaigns, covert operations, and arms transfers directed and authorized by Henry Kissinger.


VIETNAM: Kissinger scuttled peace talks in 1968, paving the way for Richard Nixon's victory in the presidential race. Half the battle deaths in Vietnam took place between 1968 and 1972, not to mention the millions of civilians throughout Indochina who were killed.

CAMBODIA and LAOS: Kissinger persuaded Nixon to widen the war with massive bombing of Cambodia and Laos. By conservative estimates, the U.S. killed 600,000 civilians in Cambodia and another 350,000 in Laos.

BANGLADESH: Using weapons supplied by the U.S., General Yahya Khan overthrew the democratically elected government and murdered at least half a million civilians in 1971. In the White House, the National Security Council wanted to condemn these actions. Kissinger refused. Amid the killing, Kissinger thanked Khan for his "delicacy and tact."

CHILE: Kissinger helped to plan the 1973 U.S.-backed overthrow of the democratically elected Salvador Allende and the assassination of General René Schneider. Right-wing general Augusto Pinochet then took over. (Human toll: 3,000+ people killed directly in coup, 40,000+ detained and interrogated, 200,000 fled the country, 1,500 killed later on by Pinochet regime from 1973-1985.)

EAST TIMOR: In 1975 President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger met with Indonesia's corrupt strongman Suharto. Kissinger told reporters the U.S. wouldn't recognize the tiny country of East Timor, which had recently won independence from the Dutch. Within hours Suharto launched an invasion, killing, by some estimates, 200,000 civilians.[1]

[1] Ridgeway, James. “Manhattan’s Milosevic.” Village Voice, 8/14/01, accessed at: http://www.villagevoice.com/news/manhattans-milosevic-6415138

Be sure to take The Kissinger Quiz here.  See how you score.  Then download it and give it to a friend.

For a fact sheet with vintage Kissinger quotes and more, please click here.


Hankin Academic Arts Building
75 Grasslands Road
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