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Protest Climate Change/Racism @ Chase Bank
10.14.2015 - 10.14.2015 12.00
St. Bart's Church - New York
Community Events


National Day of Climate Action

Facebook Event

Celebrate our historic march of 400,000 people in NYC last September to stop climate change while continuing to speak out as the world’s “leaders” gather in Paris to strike a global climate agreement but will fall way short of doing anything near what is needed.

The issues facing us are all connected – climate change, imperial wars, racism, etc.

As Elizabeth Yeampierre wrote in a recent Guardian article,

“low-income communities of color are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. US cities and towns that are predominantly made up of people of color are also home to a disproportionate share of the environmental burdens that are fueling the climate crisis and shortening our lives. One has only to recall the gut-wrenching images of Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath to confirm this.

At a time when police abuse is more visible than ever thanks to technology, and our communities continue to get hit time and time again by climate catastrophe, we can’t afford to choose between a Black Lives Matter protest and a climate justice forum, because our survival depends on both of them.”

At 12:00 noon – Tell Chase to Stop Destroying Our Communities and Stop Causing Climate Change!

We’ll be going over to Chase’s headquarters. Meet in front of St. Bart’s Church, 325 Park Ave.

For far too long, Chase Bank has bankrolled climate change.

  • #2 US bank with the highest revenue from oil and gas investments

  • #4 US bank with the highest revenue from coal investments

For far too long, Chase’s predatory practices have been at the expense of our communities

  • Chase owns more than one million shares in private prison corporations

  • Chase made the largest donation in history to the NYC Police Foundation -- $4.6 million in 2011


St. Bart's Church
325 Park Avenue
New York
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