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Indict John Yoo Graduation Protest!
05.15.2015 - 05.15.2015 08.00 - 09.00
Hearst Greek Theatre/UC Berkeley - Berkeley
Community Events


Berkeley Law Shelters a War Criminal

Many people recognize the name of John Yoo, but are surprised to hear that he retains a teaching position at the University of California Berkeley. Despite repudiation by peers, and rejection of his work at the Office of Legal Counsel by the same (Bush) regime that hired him to legalize the unconscionable, Yoo continues to be given credence as an authority on a variety of issues including, presumptively, Korean legal practice.


John Yoo represents a dangerous philosophy of exceptionalism, that American lives are worth more than other people's. We challenge his promotion to head the Korea Law Center and endowment of the Emanuel S. Heller Professorship. The latter outrage is being challenged by an online petition to rescind the appointment.

World Can't Wait and friends have been present at graduation every year since 2006, to denounce the presence of a torturer on the law school faculty, and the silence of UC from the top down. We urge you to join us this year to applaud the accomplishment of our new graduates, and to demand application of ethical standards administrators choose to ignore:

Indict John Yoo

Friday May 15

Berkeley Law Commencement

Hearst Greek Theatre

8:00 am sharp, to be in place for arrival of Processional; Ceremony begins at 9:00

Berkeley Law Dean Sujit Choudhry has the opportunity to repudiate the "Unitary Executive" theory, espoused by his resident torture advocate, that legitimizes President Obama's worst over-reach: the immoral practice of targeted assassination. Choudry could use his new position to promote practice of law in the interests of humanity. Will he?


By now everyone at Boalt knows exactly what the orange ribbon means.  Constant protest, agitation and education everywhere Yoo goes have made it clear: "No Torture In My Name."

More photos here... thanks Ashley!

Join graduates, their families, Boalt Hall faculty, and hopefully the Dean -- this is his first Boalt Hall graduation at the helm -- in wearing an orange ribbon (we'll be handing them out to celebrants going inside) in solidarity with torture victims at Guantanamo and prisons everywhere.

There is historical precedent for prosecuting the "Torture Professor." This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials. In the case U.S. v. Altstoetter, judges, prosecutors, and Ministry of Justice officials who had served the Nazi regime were charged, tried, and convicted of war crimes because their "legal" work enabled the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust under color of law.

John Yoo utilized his employment in the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel to promote crimes of torture, massive surveillance, indefinite detention, and war. As a direct result of Yoo's legal memos thousands of people have been subjected to torture, tens of thousands incarcerated, tens of millions spied upon, and a million have died in U.S. imperialist wars.

It is our responsibility to call out criminals and enablers alike. A university that allows a war criminal to teach constitutional and international law courses to the next generation of lawyers and judges under prejudice of "academic freedom" is protecting war crimes.

End the Silence. Say NO to normalization of State Torture. Fire, Disbar and Prosecute John Yoo and ALL the Torture Lawyers.



Hearst Greek Theatre/UC Berkeley
Gayley Rd. & University Dr.
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