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Protest When John Yoo Speaks
04.23.2015 - 04.23.2015 15.30 - 17.30
University of Chicago Law School - Chicago
Community Events


...at the international law workshop.  The event will be held in Room B.

We will meet at 3:30 in front of the Law School building.  The workshop starts at 4:00.

Invite your friends on Facebook.

We have just been informed that notorious war criminal John Yoo is speaking at the University of Chicago TOMORROW (Thursday).

It is unconscionable that this unrepentant torture architect is being honored at another prestigious university, here in our city. John Yoo has no right to speak on any ethical or legal matter — he should be on trial for the “work” he did for the Bush regime.

Join us in protesting - we will have posters. You can also:

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Torture at Abu Ghraib Torture at Abu Ghraib

For background on John Yoo…

Berkeley Law Shelters a War Criminal
Fire, Disbar, and Prosecute John Yoo

Many people know the name of John Yoo, but most do not know his full role in the criminal enterprise known as the Bush Regime. Yoo is associated with the infamous 81-page ‘torture memo’ written while he was a Department of Justice lawyer, on a two-year leave from the UC Berkeley Law faculty. He is one of the many administration attorneys who provided advice and cover for illegal policies inherited and embraced by President Obama.

Yoo’s legal opinions have had serious consequences. Real people suffered: thousands have been subjected to torture, tens of thousands incarcerated, and over 600,000 deaths have been attributed to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The president has given himself the power of targeted assassination. Surveillance of billions of people by the National Security Agency, and the pattern spying on people of this country by police, including via drones, prevails.

Despite repudiation by peers, and rejection of his work at the Office of Legal Counsel by the same (Bush) regime that hired him to legalize the unconscionable, Yoo continues to be given credence as an authority on a variety of issues including, presumptively, Korean legal practice. Given his misappropriation of the U.S. Constitution, we must challenge UC’s recent promotion of John Yoo to head a new research center
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Erwin Chemerinsky is the dean of the law school at UC Irvine as well as a highly regarded legal authority. Chemerinsky called for Yoo’s prosecution as a war criminal after the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture was published:

Torture is a crime, a violation of the Federal Torture Act. Those who engaged in the torture documented in such exhaustive detail in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s torture report should be prosecuted, and those who conspired in that torture should also be prosecuted. They include UC Berkeley law professor John Yoo, says Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the Law School at the University of California Irvine.

Yoo’s memo “directly led to the torture policy that resulted,” Chemerinsky said in an interview, citing Mayer’s evidence. “That’s being part of a conspiracy to violate a federal statute. Someone isn’t excused from criminal liability just because they work for the federal government.

Read the entire article at The Nation...


University of Chicago Law School
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