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Protest Deputy Director of the CIA, Avril Haines, at Hunter HS Commencement
06.13.2014 - 06.13.2014 12.45 - 14.00
Hunter North Assembly Hall - New York
Community Events


Hunter College High School will be giving its Distinguished Graduate award to the Deputy Director of the CIA, Avril Haines, at this year’s senior commencement. The administration has tried to keep it quiet, hoping to avoid criticism.

Haines is a top official of an agency guilty of torture of detainees, launching drone attacks that have killed or maimed thousands of civilians and that has a long record of complicity in the overthrow of governments and the occupations of many countries. Millions of people have suffered from the dictatorships that followed in their wake.

Thursday, June 12th, is a special call-in day to demand the withdrawal of the Distinguished Graduate award to Haines. Call or email Jennifer J. Raab, President of Hunter College, who advocated for her selection: (212) 772-4242, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . You can also call Hunter College HS. Tell the administration to cancel giving Avril Haines an award. Dr. Tony Fisher, Principal, 212.860.1406.

If you are a HCHS alumnus, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it a public statement of why you are opposed to the granting of this award.

As of Weds., June 11, Haines remains as the award recipient, which will be accepted for her by a Hunter HS administrator.

Join War Criminals Watch/World Can't Wait, KnowDrones.com and others outside as we greet parents, students and faculty letting them know who will be awarded at this graduation ceremony and why they should be demonstrating their opposition.

The Commencement event will be held in the North Assembly Hall. Entrances are located on both 68th Street and 69th Street, between Lexington and Park Avenues. The Hunter North Assembly Hall is located on the 1st Floor of the Hunter North Building.

We will hold the protest outside the 69th Street entrance between Lexington and Park Avenues.

Very useful background piece on Haines from Newsweek.

klaidman hainesSouza/The White House


Hunter North Assembly Hall
Northwest corner of 68th St. & Lexington Ave.
New York
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