WarCriminalsWatch EventsEvent
DescriptionOn the 12th anniversary of the opening of the prison, join World Can't Wait, Witness Against Torture, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and the National Religious Coalition Against Torture to demand Close Guantanamo Now!
The Bush regime filled the off-shore prison at Guantanamo Bay by rendering men seized from around the globe into indefinite captivity, employing and legally justifying a program of torture they called "enhanced interrogation." Even Bush's team slowly began to release hundreds of prisoners for whom no case could be fabricated to justify prison. When Barack Obama was elected, he quickly promised to close it within a year... five years ago. It's still open, with new infrastructure added, and more personnel than ever. Most people in the U.S. have no idea there are still 82 prisoners there who were cleared for release years ago; 45 of whom the President says will never be charged or released; and "military commissions" trials are designed to cover the torture inflicted on the prisoners, depriving of them rights the U.S. has claimed to cherish.
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