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Miami Protest: Close Guantanamo Bay Now!
12.11.2013 - 12.11.2013 14.00 - 16.00
Community Events


Protest twelve years of torture! Protest twelve years of shame!

January 11 marks an international day of action, as thousands of people across the globe protest Guantanamo Bay's 12 year anniversary. Join us in Miami as we march on the Headquarters of United States' Southern Command to demand the United States Close Guantanamo Bay Now!

We will meet at the corner of 97th and 41st Street (9755 NW 41 St) at 2PM and march to SOUTHCOM for a rally with speeches from some amazing organizations and activists, including Nancy Mancias from CODEPINK's national War Criminals and Ground the Drones campaigns.

SOUTHCOM is a location of international significance, as it is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands set up by the Department of Defense. It is the command station for Guantanamo Bay and maintains control over Joint Task Force Guantanamo. Its sphere of influence spans from the Caribbean to Central and South America. From its headquarters in Doral, SOUTHCOM has directed multiple destabilization efforts and military ventures in Latin America and it maintains control over Joint Task Force Guantanamo.

Sponsors of this event include:
People's Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR)
Veterans for Peace-Miami
Amnesty International
Miami for Peace and Justice
Progressive Democrats of America-Broward

Background on Gitmo:
In November 2001, President George W. Bush authorized the detention of any suspected Al-Qaeda members by newly-created military commissions. Anyone considered considered “unlawful enemy combatants,” would be captured, tortured, and locked up in prison cells at Guantanamo Bay.  779 men have been sent to Guantanamo Bay without trial and have been jailed without ever having been officially charged with any crime. As of November 2013, over 160 prisoners remain locked up, most of whom have been detained there for over seven years.
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