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Protest When Dick Cheney Speaks to International Economic Forum of the Americas
10.31.2013 - 10.31.2013 12.00
Metro Toronto Convention Center - Toronto
Community Events


Cheney will keynote at the luncheon of this international organization.  He had been scheduled to speak in the very same locale last April but canceled due to fear of demonstrations. This was subsequent to a strong protest naming him as a war criminal when he was in Vancouver promoting his memoir.

For information on the legal campaign to request Canadian officials either bar Cheney from Canada or arrest and prosecute Cheney, click here.  You can read a response from the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section of the Canadian Dept. of Justice here.

The Call to Protest follows below.  You can access the Facebook page as well.

Former US vice president Dick Cheney is coming to Toronto. He is scheduled to give the keynote address to the International Economic Forum of the Americas on Halloween at 12 noon at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Canadian Peace Alliance and the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War are organizing a rally at 11 am on the same day to to let him know that we don't want war criminals in our city.

Cheney is best known as the war criminal who pushed for the war on Iraq and advocated and authorized the torture of detainees at Guantanamo bay Cuba.
“I was a big supporter of waterboarding, I signed off on it,” stated Dick Cheney in 2010.

According to Canadian and International law, anyone who supports torture is guilty of a criminal offence. In fact, Cheney has already been convicted of war crimes by a tribunal investigating the torture of detainees in Guantanamo bay.

The government of Canada, which has no qualms about denying entry to anti-war activists and is still trying to deport war resisters that refused to follow Cheney's illegal and immoral orders, should ban this war criminal from entering Canada.

Join us and give this war criminal the welcome he deserves.

Organized by the Canadian Peace Alliance, Toronto Coalition to Stop the War.  Endorsed by the War Resisters Support Campaign,
Lawyers Against the War, War CriminalsWatch/World Can't Wait and CODEPINK.


Metro Toronto Convention Center
255 Front St. W.
M5V 2W6
Country: ca
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