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Manifest and step up support for Bradley Manning
06.25.2013 - 06.30.2013 
Community Events


Pack the Courtroom: Free Bradley Manning!

Inside Ft. Meade , a U.S. military base near Baltimore, which houses the headquarters of the NSA, Bradley Manning, is undergoing a court martial in front of a military judge. Manning is the Army private who made available a huge trove of classified information about U.S. war crimes and torture to Wikileaks in 2010.

Bradley Manning has supporters around the U.S. and the world who recognize him as a hero. But in the fourth week of his trial, those attending it, joined by some press, are being taunted by the prosecutor because the public seats in the courtroom are not filled every day.

It's time to get our bodies in that courtroom and manifest support for this brave, principled man who acted to expose the government's crimes. And it’s time to get many more people to know about and to support Bradley Manning because, as he said, “I believed that if the general public, especially the American public, had access to the information contained within the [Iraq and Afghan War Logs] this could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as well as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Learn more about Bradley Manning, continue reading his own words.

Manifest and step up support for Bradley Manning:

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