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An Evening of Conscience: Hands Off Snowden & Manning! Close Guantanamo NOW
06.19.2013 - 06.19.2013 19.00
The Great Hall at Cooper Union - New York
Speaking Engagements


We will not be Complicit…We DO NOT Consent!
No Government Spying on Whole Populations.
Hands Off Snowden & Manning.
Close Guantanamo NOW.

An Evening of Conscience

Through an act of tremendous courage and self-sacrifice, Edward Snowden has revealed the most massive government spying in history into the communications and activities of billions of people on the planet.

On May 23, World Can’t Wait published the Close Guantanamo NOW message in The New York Times as a full page ad.  It says, in part:

"In the name of safety, fear or revenge, American presidents cannot be allowed to arrogate to themselves the power of judge, jury and executioner. Actions that utilize de facto torture, that run roughshod over the rule of law and due process and that rain down terror and murder on peoples and nations amount to war crimes. Such actions cannot in any way be morally justified in the name of “protecting Americans.” The lives of people living here are not more precious than any other people's lives."

History calls on us to follow through on this correct stand: to clarify the stakes, to express outrage at the gross violation of fundamental rights, and to challenge millions to ACT – to cast off complacency and complicity – and take responsibility to stop these crimes.

NSA programs PRISM and Boundless Informant are illegitimate, illegal and wrong! They must not be covered over, excused, or accepted as the “new normal,” but opposed – and millions must be aroused to politically RESIST! Snowden must not be rendered, extradited, prosecuted with secret evidence, or face anything like what has been inflicted on Bradley Manning for exposing war crimes.

We must defend Edward Snowden, build momentum through this to stop the persecution of Bradley Manning and demand the illegal prison and torture camp at Guantanamo be closed forthwith.

The program will include speakers, presentations, performances (including Aladdin, an excerpt of Claire Leibowitz' play Bradass87 and more).

This event is free but donations are gratefully accepted: for Forum expenses, bus tickets to the DCJune 26 Close Guantanamo demonstration and the Close Guantanamo Now message.

Co-sponsored by World Can’t Wait and the Continuing Education Department of Cooper Union along with I Stand With Edward Snowden, the Free Bradley Manning NYC Pride Coalition, Granny Peace Brigade, Metro Raging Grannies, Revolution Books, Stop Mass Incarceration Network – list in formation.

Doors open 7:00 pm. Donation @ door.  No one turned away until hall is filled.






The Great Hall at Cooper Union
7 East 7th Street
New York
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