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Rally for Bradley Manning at Fort Meade: Day of Action June 1
06.01.2013 - 06.01.2013 
Community Events


After more than three years of imprisonment, including nine months of torture, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Bradley Manning’s trial is finally scheduled to begin June 3, 2013, at Fort Meade, Maryland. The outcome of this trial will determine whether a conscience-driven 25-year-old WikiLeaks whistle-blower spends the rest of his life in prison.

Activist-organized round-trip buses:

Bus from Baltimore, MD
Leaving June 1st at 11:30 am from the 2640 Space at 2640 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or better yet, reserve your seat today ($10).

Bus from New York City
Leaving 7:30am June 1st from NYC at 1270 Broadway, between 32nd and 33rd st. Reserve your seat today ($20).

Bus from Washington, DC
Leaving June 1st at 11:30am from in front of Union Station, Washington, DC. Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or better yet, reserve your seat today ($10).

Located outside these cities, but interested in organizing others to go to Ft. Meade? The Bradley Manning Support Network is offering small grants to help with organizing buses and vans to carpool to Ft. Meade for June 1st!

Free Bradley Manning

SF Pride President Capitulates to Military Groups, Announces Bradley Manning Won’t Be Honored

Kevin Gosztola writes:
“A group of former San Francisco Pride parade grand marshals that SF Pride calls its electoral college announced on April 26 that Pfc. Bradley Manning, the gay private who the United States military is currently prosecuting for disclosing information to WikiLeaks, had been selected as honorary grand marshal for this year’s LGBT Pride Celebration.”

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