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Obama Visits San Francisco – Protest!
10.08.2012 - 10.08.2012 16.30
Community Events


Monday October 8

Join World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, the ANSWER Coalition, and many others to protest against endless war and occupation for empire, as the world marks the 11th anniversary of America’s military invasion of Afghanistan.

Monday October 8, from 4:30 PM onward …
Protest Converges on UN PLAZA (Civic Center BART)

Obama’s fundraiser itself is at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium 99 Grove Street.

Bring your signs, your friends, music and sounds, and your voice.

All are welcome.  Contact any of the organizations listed above to add
your support, help organize this protest, and/or donate funds to make this
protest happen.

Regardless of the election results, the next president will be the
commander-in-chief of all this:

•    Drone strikes killing civilians
•    Executor of the "kill list"
•    Indefinite detention without trial
•    Vast and expanding domestic surveillance
•    Unconstitutional suspension of core civil liberties

Crimes are crimes no matter who does them.  Whether their deaths are
ordered by a Democrat or Republican president does not really matter to
the people in Pakistan (or Afghanistan or Somalia or Yemen or any other
country designated a target by our government) when they're on the
receiving end of a drone strike.

When the "lesser of two evils" represents unlimited executive power to
murder innocents at will, with no oversight or accountability, we know
that it's time to get out in the streets to call for a real end to U.S.
occupation of Afghanistan and threats to bomb Iran.

Humanity and the planet come first.

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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait

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