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Protest Obama and On-Going Wars
07.23.2012 - 07.23.2012 15.00 - 21.00
Starting at Oscar Grant Park & Going to Fox Thtre. -
Community Events


This Monday, July 23 in Oakland, Barack Obama will speak to a big campaign rally at the Fox Theater raising funds for his candidacy and his program.  As he speaks inside the Fox, anti-war protesters will be outside, saying NO to these wars and occupations, NO to the drones, torture, and kill lists -- NO MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT MAY BE!

Join World Can't Wait – Afghans for Peace – Iraq Veterans Against the War – Courage to Resist – Code Pink – Bradley Manning Support Network – and March Forward, to assemble, rally, speak out and march against America's illegitimate, immoral, horrendous wars and occupations and the whole package of crimes that are part of them.

OBAMA's FUNDRAISING EVENT:  Fox Theater, Telegraph btwn 18th/19th Streets, Oakland.  Obama to speak in person.  Program time approximately 6 PM-9 PM.
Doors open 4:30 to ticketed guests ($100-$1000's each).

PEOPLE'S ANTIWAR PROTEST: Bring your signs, your friends, your voice.

Assemble starting at 3:00 PM at Oscar Grant Plaza (14th & Broadway, Oakland).
March from Oscar Grant Plaza to the Fox Theater
[If you arrive after 3 PM, come as soon as you can, protest will be in the area 3-9 PM]

OUR MESSAGE:  War is not an abstraction and lives hang in the balance.  These wars mean the escalating, horrendous use of drone warfare as America's "clean" weapon of choice.  The torture known from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo is reaching new heights at Bagram today (with Guantanamo still open).  Massacres of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen are daily routine and do not even usually make the news.  Meanwhile, at the White House every Tuesday Obama signs off on a new assassination target list.  We demand an end to all this, and we also demand that accused army whistler-blower Bradley Manning be freed, and Hands Off Wikileaks!


Some say: Don't protest Obama now, you'll only aid the lunatic Republicans.  We should throw in with the "lesser of two evils" and go from there . . .

Some say: Obama's foreign policy and these wars are a negative, but on the positive side he'll do better for Americans with the economy and health care, so don't undermine him now . . .

World Can't Wait says: WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM!  Consider yourself called to action!  You're invited to join us, to act in conscience, to stand with the people assaulted by your government.


  • Crimes are Crimes, No Matter Who Does Them!
  • No Wars or Occupations, No Torture, No Drones, No "Regime Change" for Empire . . .

We will not turn our backs on the victims of our government's crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, the entire Middle East and South Asia.  And we will not be quiet when the world can't wait for these crimes of our government to be brought to a halt.

For more information up to the time of the Monday demonstration, call or email World Can't Wait SF Bay:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 415.864.5153.



Starting at Oscar Grant Park & Going to Fox Thtre.
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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait

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