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Obama in SF to fill his war chest… PROTEST!
06.06.2012 - 06.06.2012 12.00
Community Events


Take off work for the afternoon if you can.  Bring your banners, signs, visuals, voices, and friends.  As the elections draw nearer, more and more will the voices of resistance matter enormously – both here, and across the seas where people are living and dying under the guns and bombs commanded by WHOEVER becomes the next president, until those wars are ended.

Protest Wednesday, June 6, in San Francisco at two Obama campaign events:


Julia Morgan Ballroom, Merchants Exchange, 465 California Street

… followed by what campaign officials describe as a …  

SMALL ROUNDTABLE: Exact time not known as of this writing.
It's set to immediately follow the noon luncheon.

One Market Plaza (overlooking former Occupy SF encampment)

NO! to the endless wars and occupations Obama presides over…
NO! to the drones, torture, and regime change for the good of Empire…
NO! to all the crimes against the people of the world that are crimes, no matter who does them!!

And NO! to Obama's targeted killing program.  Last week the New York Times revealed that Obama personally oversees a "secret kill list" containing the names and photos of individuals targeted for assassination in the U.S. drone war.  The Obama administration has assumed the power to order people killed -- in secret, with no due process, transparency or oversight of any kind -- what legal blogger Glenn Greenwald identifies as "literally the most radical power that a government and president can seize."

Because they are not the lunatics and fascists of the Republicans, the Democrats claim to be your only choice.  NO, we can't and we won't go along with war crimes and crimes against humanity.  We are part of a growing resistance that seeks other choices, other paths.  And when Chief Assassin Obama himself comes calling for campaign funds this week, we will be there.  We will publicly speak out, and stand up for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Syria… because whether Obama or Romney is commander-in-chief, their crimes are NOT IN OUR NAME.

Hey, Hey, Obama, Hey…  How many killed by your DRONES today?
The World Can't Wait! Stop the U.S. government's war OF terror!

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