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Protest Jay Bybee in Seattle!
09.03.2009 - 09.03.2009 10.00 - 12.30
US Court of Appeals - Seattle
Community Events


SPONSORS:    World Can't Wait, Code Pink, Progressive Democrats of America, BackBone Campaign

Jay Bybee, a key player on the Bush/Cheney torture team, was rewarded for this war crime with a lifetime appointment to the federal bench.   There, Bybee issued the 2002 torture memo which authorized torture including waterboarding, walling, sleep deprivation and other horrific techniques.

Last Monday, the awaited news broke: the 2004 CIA report that has been repeatedly postponed, first by Bush, and then Obama, was published.  Even in this heavily redacted version the report is horrendous.  Besides waterboarding, walling and all the other brutality we already knew about, the torturers' playbook included additional techniques: threatening hooded people with mock executions, power drills, and smoke -- and threats to kill children of detainees if they didn't talk, and to rape their mothers in front of them.
In fact, what's NOT blacked out makes you ask how much worse are the passages that ARE blacked out.  Read it for yourself:  it is revolting, but it is real.
World Can't Wait has called for protest actions to meet Bybee across the Ninth Circuit. The Nine Circuit Court is scheduled to hear cases in Seattle this week. YOU are needed -- to help display the "Bybee-Bush Museum of Torture", to wear the orange jumpsuits, and to make our message bold and clear. Whether you can come during your  break or for two hours, your presence will make a big difference.

Can you join us? RSVP please! Email us at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Let the judges who accept a torturer as a colleague see orange jumpsuits everywhere they go. 


US Court of Appeals
1010 Fifth Ave. @ Madison in downtown
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