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STOP the Suppression of the Occupy Movement!
02.28.2012 - 02.28.2012 16.00
NYC's Union Square - New York
Community Events


World Can't Wait is supporting the Call for Mass Action Against the Suppression of the Occupy Movement. It's not only the barricades and batons, constant surveillance, mass arrests, and escalating charges against occupiers. It's the fact that these occupations have been pushed and beaten from public squares, and squeezed into the margins.

Don't wait for "something" to happen in the spring. Join the F28 actions now:
Make Tuesday F28 a Day of Mass Action Everywhere; Stand with Occupy. STOP the Suppression of the Occupy Movement!

4 pm—Gather  5 pm—Rally 6 pm—March

No Rubber Bullets, No Beatings, No Tear Gas, No Mass Arrests,
Don’t Suppress OWS!  Drop the Charges Against Occupiers!

Now, more than ever, in the wake of Oakland:

"...if this illegitimate wave of repression is allowed to stand... if the powers-that-be succeed in suppressing or marginalizing this new movement... if people are once again “penned in”—both literally and symbolically—things will be much worse. THIS SUPPRESSION MUST BE MASSIVELY OPPOSED, AND DEFEATED."
-from “A Call for Mass Action Against the Suppression of the Occupy Movement”

George Packard, a retired Episcopal bishop who was detained by the NYPD while bringing water to the occupiers at Zuccotti Park, and later arrested in an Occupy Wall Street action, said the action February 28 "is the absolute preface to any other actions. It's a question of process even before we take to the streets--how is it that there is this coordinated effort to stifle our free speech?! Mayors on conference calls simultaneously rousting encampments? Renegade cops taking aggressive initiatives because it makes superiors smile? Tear gas and rubber bullets fired into the ranks of Occupy Oakland? Enough!"

Mobilize your workplace; your school, church, synagogue or mosque; your union, friends and neighborhood for a day of mass action on Tuesday, February 28.

Contact the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Suppression of the Occupy Movement at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Go to: dontsuppressows.org and join the 700+ who have signed “A Call for Mass Action Against the Suppression of the Occupy Movement.”


NYC's Union Square
New York
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