WCW Home War Criminals Watch Events Details - Occupy Fort Meade! Occupy Everywhere for Bradley Manning

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Occupy Fort Meade! Occupy Everywhere for Bradley Manning
12.16.2011 - 12.17.2011 
Community Events


Friday December 16: Beginning of pre-trial hearings in the US Army's Court Martial of Bradley Manning

Saturday December 17: Vigil for Bradley's release on his 24th Birthday

Graham Nash posts a new song for Bradley!

Here is complete information on events Friday & Saturday at Fort Meade, including transportation and timing.

According to Kevin Gosztola in What to Expect at Bradley Manning's Pre-Trial Hearing, this hearing will determine whether Brad will face a courts martial over what the government charges, and has a certain outcome.

"Manning faces a 'general courts-martial,' the most serious of the three types of court martial. It is the most serious because individuals can be charged with the death penalty. While the military says it will not charge Manning with the death penalty, the military has accused Manning of 'aiding the enemy' leading many to believe he might be treated like someone who committed 'treason' and be charged with the death penalty."

All the more reason to be following this case closely!

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