WCW Home Take Action Outcries 9-23-10 City Council Declares October 10-16 is "Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week!
9-23-10 City Council Declares October 10-16 is "Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week! PDF Print E-mail

Great news!  Tuesday night, the Berkeley City Council passed the Resolution declaring "Berkeley Says No to Torture" Week an official civic week.   Watch for banners to go up over the City Hall buildings and this message to hit the streets all over town!  We have the chance to raise the NO TO TORTURE message so boldly and loudly that people and other communities across the country will hear about it, and be inspired to do this themselves.

Check the new website
WeSayNoToTorture.net for daily updates and news, new endorsers - announcements of panels, book events, protests - ideas for more ways anyone can add an event, or action to the Week . . .   Also go to the Facebook page, and get in the conversation and spread it across the country!

Highlights of the Week:

  • Programs, book discussions, and debates all week featuring Marjorie Cohn (former president, National Lawyers Guild), Andy Worthington (The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prisons), Ray McGovern, Justine Sharrock (The Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things), Col. Ann Wright, Shahid Buttar (Bill of Rights Defense Committee), and many others including World Can't Wait National Director, Debra Sweet.

  • The West Coast premiere of "Reckoning with Torture" - a stellar evening of conscience; script developed by the ACLU and the American PEN Center.  This Friday evening October 15 performance at the UC Berkeley Law campus is hosted by the Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture and the National Lawyers Guild Boalt chapter.  Readers on the "Reckoning" stage will be well-known leaders, lawyers, fighters, poets, and writers against torture (and surprise guests too).

  • Panels on torture and psychologists -- the role of artists and art resisting torture - a writers' roundtable (journalists, law, and thriller fiction) - a report on the legal battles over torture, war crimes, and accountability -

  • "Fire, Disbar and Prosecute John Yoo!"  A day of afternoon protest Tuesday October 13, followed by The Giant John Yoo Debate in the evening - ** See the Events Calendar at http://www.WeSayNoToTorture.net for more details.

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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait