WCW Home Take Action Outcries 9-3-12 2 Million Friends: A New Approach in Afghanistan
9-3-12 2 Million Friends: A New Approach in Afghanistan PDF Print E-mail
by Johnny Barber

Four decades of war.  Two million people dead. Trillions of
dollars spent. Money disappearing into the pockets of
corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, policemen and the armed
forces. No accountability. No transparency. No
infrastructure. The misery and poverty of the majority of
the people continues unabated, decade after decade.
Children freeze to death in the winter. They starve to death
all year round. The question remains, "Who benefits from
this misery?" The human cost of war doesn't enter into any
politician's calculations.

In October 2011 Secretary of State Clinton emphasized a new
three-track strategy of "Fight, talk, and build," claiming
to "pursue all three tracks at once, as they are mutually
reinforcing." One year later, it is clear that the 3rd
Afghan strategy of the Obama administration can be added to
the scrap heap of failed strategies along with the "Af-Pak"
strategy and the "Surge". No one is talking, nothing is
being built, fighting is the only track that continues
unabated. Security, even in Kabul, is tenuous. Peace seems a
distant and illusory concept.

On Sunday, September 2nd, the Afghan Peace Volunteers held a
press conference in Kabul, Afghanistan to introduce a new
strategy, called the "2 Million Friends" initiative. Built
on a foundation of hope and goodwill, this initiative calls
on ordinary citizens of all countries to join with ordinary
Afghan citizens, who are tired of corruption, hatred and
war, to be friends. When asked about the role of
international people, Roz Mohammed, a young man from Midan
Wardak replied, "The international people are just like us,
ordinary people who want to work with us for peace." The
wish is for 2 million friends, in remembrance of each of the
2 million Afghan victims of 40 years of war in Afghanistan,
to join together and appeal for peace. 2 million friends to
tell our respective governments, "Enough! We wish to live
without war."

"2 Million Friends" is not just an initiative to be "liked"
or "shared" on the Internet. It is about recognizing our
shared humanity. When we see the suffering of a friend, we
do not stand by and wish things were different, we act to
end their suffering. "2 Million Friends" is a call to action
here, here, and here.

On December 10, 2012, International Human Rights Day, "2
Million Friends" will present a petition to the UN calling
for an immediate ceasefire in Afghanistan, leading to
direct, substantial talks to end the war, end the government
corruption and begin to advocate for the welfare of the
majority of the Afghan people who have suffered for too

The Afghan Peace Volunteers is a unique organization in
Afghanistan. Its members are young volunteers from all the
major ethnic groups. They live together and promote peaceful
coexistence, simple living and self-reliance. They receive
no salary, and they don't promote any particular religious
or political party. They are truly independent. In the
fractured, war torn country of Afghanistan, this alone is a
remarkable achievement. When asked why they focus on the
youth, Ali a young man from Bamyan Province replied, "We
need everyone's help, but we focus on the youth because they
are the future of Afghanistan!" Shaima, a young woman from
Parwan added, "When the youth have information about non-
violence and peace they will not be so willing to continue
to fight." The Afghan Peace Volunteers are growing, even in
the face of enormous challenges, and they invite everyone
who desires peace through non-violence to be their friend!

To become one of 2 Million Friends, visit
And on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/2millionfriends

Johnny Barber is representing Voices for Creative
Nonviolence as a guest of the Afghan Peace Volunteers in
Kabul.  His blog and website are:
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