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American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi

Tuesday, February 03 2009 @ 09:00 PM

Stanford Campus, Building 260, Room 113 - Stanford


Description: Oil-woman, liar, incompetent, war profiteer, and torturer: Words not usually associated with Stanford alum Condoleezza Rice. But they are all personae revealed in a ground-breaking new documentary, American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi. Amnesty International Stanford hosts the premiere of the film on February 3, just two days after Rice returns to Stanford to take up a research and teaching post at the Hoover Institute.

The documentary features interviews with Dr Rice herself, as well as testimony from both supporters and critics. Its most hard-hitting revelations revolve around Rice's time in power, as National Security Advisor (2001-2005) and Secretary of State (2005-2009). Congressman Robert Wexler claims that Rice "made 56 false or misleading public statements about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and links to Al Qaeda." Erica Razook of Amnesty International, states that Rice acted to protect the State Dept's $1bn contract with Blackwater, by pardoning the operatives who murdered 17 innocent civilians in Baghdad in December 2007. That action inflamed Iraqi anger towards all Americans.

contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with any questions. This event is sponsored by Stanford Amnesty International
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