Group Condemns Rice PDF Print E-mail

***Correction: The quote “[The petition was drafted] in light of Rice’s war mongering and torture” was misattributed to Symbolic Systems Prof. Todd Davies. Also, Davies did not write the letter, but was involved in drafting it. Similarly, it should be noted that the group’s piece is an open letter, rather than a petition.***

Anti-Rice petition makes war crimes allegation | Original Article

Stanford Says No To War (SSNW) has begun distributing a petition regarding Condoleezza Rice’s return to Stanford.

“We are concerned about serious allegations that Rice has violated our constitution, domestic laws and international law,” reads the petition letter, which is addressed to the Stanford community. SSNW is concerned that Rice’s actions have “endangered American people.”

“[The petition was drafted] in light of Rice’s war mongering and torture,” said Symbolic Systems Prof. Todd Davies, who is a member of SSNW.

The petition alleges that Rice was involved with perpetuating misinformation surrounding the threats posed by Iraq to U.S. national security and condemns her alleged support of torturing detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

It was presented at the Condi Un-welcoming Committee Meeting attended by students, professors and activists in the surrounding community, Wednesday night in Old Union.

“We don’t want to be a part of an institution that legitimates a war criminal,” said Charlotte Silver ‘09. “In the name of academic freedom, people are okay with what is a matter of fundamental values and turning our back to the international community.”

SSNW has goals both within and outside of University jurisdiction. The organization hopes to break a perceived double standard between students and faculty and would like to educate people about Rice’s actions and lower her stature on campus. Adam Hudson ‘10, president of the organization, emphasized the need for the University to apply the Fundamental Standard not only to students, but to faculty as well.

“Students are held to a very high standard in and outside the University,” Hudson said. “That standard should be applied to faculty as well.”

Geoff Browning, minister of United Campus Christian Ministry on campus, said that the primary goal of the petition is accountability.

“We can’t prevent war crimes unless we hold people who commit crimes accountable,” Browning said. He challenged the faculty handbook, and the University’s lenient policies about welcoming faculty back regardless of their actions outside of the University.

“It’s as if it doesn’t matter if you’re Hitler or anyone,” Browning said.

SSNW would also like to see a city resolution passed, calling for Rice’s arrest and to see Rice put on trial or have tenure hearings for her actions.

“Neutrality helps oppression,” Browning said. “If we don’t condemn [Rice’s actions] or seek justice, we are supporting it.”

He demanded that the University take a strong position to let students know that it is aware of Rice’s alleged offenses against human rights, the U.S. Constitution and international law.

Although some attendees of the town hall admitted that they initially decided to come to the meeting to vent their rage, one activist mentioned that Rice is a great witness of alleged war crimes that were committed and that going after her may not be the right approach.

Regardless of this point, others contended that Rice doesn’t belong at an elite institution that they say should be standing against war criminals.

“I don’t think she should be here,” Hudson said.

But as long as she is, Hudson emphasized the importance that she answer to students as a public servant rather than dominate the discussion. He also implored students to ask her meaningful questions.

“It is my conscience that is my main motivation,” Hudson said. “We can’t take back the lives of dead Americans and dead Iraqis — but we can say we won’t put up with it.”

Posted By Zoe Richards On March 5, 2009 @ 12:15 am

Article printed from The Stanford Daily:

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