7-14-10 Support Bradley Manning, courageous Army whistle-blower |

The US Army has Bradley Manning in custody, in a prison in Kuwait, reportedly without access to legal counsel. The Army says he's responsible for leaking the video footage which was named "Collateral Murder" and sent around the world by wikileaks.org. They will likely court martial him.
Needless to say, the soldiers in the video -- not to mention the commanders who trained the troops for and ordered the massacre -- are under no arrest, no scrutiny, not even investigation?
World Can't Wait has projected "Collateral Murder" onto buildings and before large groups of people and high school classrooms. Every instance, even among those who "know" how bad the US occupation is, brought renewed outrage and dedication to end the wars. It's impossible to overestimate the role of courageous people in the military who blow the whistle, and of principled media like wikileaks.org that get the truth out to the public.
"From what I've heard so far of (Wikileaks co-founder Julian) Assange and (Army Pfc Bradley) Manning,… they are two new heroes of mine," Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, spreading opposition to the Vietnam War based on their contents.
World Can't Wait urges everyone who wants an end to the wars to support Bradley Manning. See www.bradleymanning.org
Sign on in Support of Bradley Manning and His Right to Counsel
Bradley Manning is the U.S. soldier now in a US military prison in Kuwait who has been arrested and charged with two violations for releasing classified information (the Wikileaks "Collateral Murder" video) and facing 54 years in prison. He is being held in isolation from the outside world - with no contact with his civilian attorneys working to defend him.
If the allegations are true, we believe that Bradley Manning is a hero for bringing to light the realities of the crimes being committed in the U.S. occupation. We call for his immediate release and that his attorneys be allowed to talk to him.
This statement was signed by almost everyone attending the Iraq Veterans Against the War conference in Austin this past weekend. We're urging all groups to post and circulate it.