6-5-11 Three Bradley Manning Support Demos |
From Debra Sweet
All these demonstrations took place on Saturday, June 4, 2011.
Ft. Leavenworth: Military Veterans and Supporters Rally at Fort Leavenworth for Accused WikiLeaks Source: Approximately 250 supporters of PFC Bradley Manning—including many United States military veterans—converged today (Saturday, June 4, 2011) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to rally for the soldier who stands accused of leaking classified government information to WikiLeaks and ultimately to the public.
Times Square, NYC: Supporters Declare “I am Bradley Manning” in Times Square Rally for Accused WikiLeaks Source: A former Marine took off his taxi job to attend, in his first political action, saying that Manning has captured his support just for “telling the truth.” Students who heard of the action online offered to promote the next one. “We talked to people from all over the world today, and get out thousands of flyers about Manning. Most people from other countries know much more about Wikileaks, U.S. wars, and Brad Manning than people living here. We are out to change that,” said Elaine Brower. View more photos.

"Bradley Manning: Way OUT for Justice" in the Honolulu Pride Parade As our truck rolled out of Ala Moana Park and into the Pride celebration we wondered whether people would know who Bradley Manning is, and whether there would be support, opposition, or merely puzzled faces. As we reached the first crowds of people the questions disappeared. A group of soldiers along the route pumped their fists in the air. Japanese tourists read the signs and clapped in approval. People turned to each other asking: "Who's Bradley Manning" and others in the group would explain.