WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 2-14-11 Reports on Visits to Spanish Consulates
2-14-11 Reports on Visits to Spanish Consulates PDF Print E-mail

Around the country today, groups of activists visited the Consulates of Spain in their cities to cthank the Spanish peopleand ask for their supportas Spanish courts consider cases to bring US Bush-era officials to justice for thecrime of torture. A Spanish judge will decide by March 1st whether to investigate this case. The people of Spain have the memory of their government denying their rights so we feel they understand this type of matter. Although the US has the most powerful government and military in the world, it too must follow international law.


New York City:

10-12 New Yorkers gathered outside the Consulate General of Spain this morning. There were individual supporters of this campaign and three representatives of World Can't Wait, a partner organization. We went upstairs together to the Consulate and delivered the letter, roses and a box of chocolate destined for the Consul (who was out of the Consulate at another meeting) and the people of Spain with the Consulate's receptionists.

Later, we were interviewed extensively in a nearby restaurant by aUnivision reporter(she spoke to the Spanish-speaking members of our group). World Can't Wait director, Debra Sweet, was also interviewed via telephone by the correspondant for EFE News Services.


See photo to the right.



There were two Vets for Peace/VVAW representatives, representatives from Psychologists
for Social Responsibility, Catholic peace and justice activists, Amnesty International, and
World Can't Wait - about 10 of us in all, but no press.

The vice consul at the Spanish consulate in Chicago met with us. We presented the
120-page petition with the picture of the billboard in Spanish on the cover and the
letter to the Spanish people, signed by all of us.

Ray Parrish from Vets for Peace read a short letter pointing out that
Bradley Manning is being held in conditions amounting to torture (with no charges or conviction),
while Wikileaks cables reveal real crimes committed by our government.

Michael from PsySR conveyed the seriousness of the material CCR has compiled and urged the
Spanish judiciary to take the lead the way they had in pursuing Pinochet of Chile.

Jay from World Can't Wait read from the letter and underscored that President Obama
and Eric Holder had acknowledged that torture has been committed by the US
government but failed to prosecute and in fact pressured other countries not to
pursue charges, which is a crime under international law.

The Vice Consul accepted the petition and letter and flowers and chocolates
presented by Chris and Mary Fogarty, Irish-American anti-war and justice activists.
He assured us that he will convey them all to the Consul General as soon as he
returns to the Consulate, and we urged him to convey our appeal to Judge Eloy
Valesco, who is set to decide on this investigation, and to the people of Spain. The
Vice Consul said we were brave to take this action, but we replied that we are
asking the Spanish judge to be brave and uphold international law and justice in the
face of pressure from this government.

We all felt afterward that we had conveyed the seriousness of the action that needs
to be taken now, and this was another important step in developing the political movement
that can make these long-overdue prosecutions a reality.


In San Francisco (photo below):


Eleven delegates braved the rain to go to the San Francisco Spanish Consulate.


Washington DC:

At the Embassy of Spain in Washington, D.C., Ray McGovern and Ann Wright led a meeting with a Spanish diplomat, thanking and encouraging Spain to prosecute former Bush officials for torture on behalf of a large coalition. They gave the embassy personnel Valentine’s Day balloons and cookies.


(War Criminals Watch advisors Ann Wright and Ray McGovern are in the video starting at 4:23).



We delivered the letter, plus chocolates, roses and a vase of flowers from the garden of one of the members of our delegation (including "Bleeding Hearts") to Cristina Barrios Almazor, the Spanish Consul General in Miami.The message was received very much in the spirit in which it was delivered, as a heartfelt thank you from the people of the United States to the people of Spain on an important matter.We explained to the Consul General that we represented hundreds of thousands of Americans who belong to the 29 organizations listed as signatories on the letter,that we are embarrassed and ashamed by our country's failure to prosecute these crimes, and that we are grateful that, of all the countries in the world that could prosecute these crimes under universal jurisdiction, Spain has stood up to actually pursue these cases.
Thedelegation included representatives of the South Florida Impeachment Coalition), PDA andVFP.
In all the work we do, it's rare to feelpart of something as important as this, that what we did today may make a real difference to the prospects for accountability and justice, and thus to deterring such crimes in the future.

The delegation was greeted at the Consulateby Jennifer Zimmer, assistant to the Spanish Consul, Janet Kafka, who welcomed us into the consulate. Holding a banner that read, "Gracias, Espana," we explained that we were there to express our heartfelt thanks for Spain's efforts in upholding the rule of law.

We took turns reading the letter of thanks, support, and encouragement to the citizens of Spain for their interest in investigating U.S. officials' roles in authorizing torture. We expressed our sincere hopes that they and their judiciary will dispel the notion that any country is above the law.

We wished everyone a Happy Valentines Day and presented a bouquet of flowers, some heart-shaped balloons, and a hefty stack of papers - a photocopy of a billboard planned to go up in Spain which read, "Por favor, hagan lo que los EEUU no hara - procesar a los torturadores," and a petition, signed by over 8,400 people, asking Spain to do what the U.S. won't: prosecute torture! Ms. Zimmer smiled, thanked us, and agreed to pass on our message.


Los Angeles:

The delegation to the Spanish Consulate included representatives from the Orange County Peace Coalition and World Can't Wait.Gifts were givento the consular representatives.


Reports in Spanish language press:

Activistas le piden a España que persiga casos de tortura del Gobierno de Bush

Una treintena de ONG de EEUU apoya la causa




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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait