WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 11-3-10 Reflection On & Summing Up of Berkeley Says No to Torture Week
11-3-10 Reflection On & Summing Up of Berkeley Says No to Torture Week PDF Print E-mail

By Stephanie Tang and Curt Wechsler, San Francisco Bay Area World Can't Wait

"Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week was one of those special moments people will
remember for a long time to come.

It began as a local grassroots project, yet it turned into the largest, most diverse
gathering of anti-torture experts and activists in one mega-event since the Bush
Regime began its 'War on Terror' nine years ago.  For seven days straight, this team
brought the truth about torture out into the light of day, drawing serious, eager
audiences to all our dynamic forums, protests, and cultural events.

The Week began last spring, as a problem-solving project by a small group of
activists from World Can't Wait and other groups we've worked with against torture
and illegal rendition: the National Lawyers Guild Committee Against Torture, local
Progressive Democrats of America and Code Pink chapters, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties
Institute, and leaders from the Coalition for an Ethical APA and the local

Our idea was simple.  The ongoing war and the Bush/Cheney torture/rendition program
remain a grim nightmare, these many long months into Obama's administration.  It's
clear that not only is Obama NOT reversing course, but he's presiding over an
extension of the same trajectory the world hated so much under Bush.  Yet protest
has ebbed; the anti-war movement has, in fact, largely collapsed.  Among the people
who four or five years ago were marching, today there is confusion, and
demoralization –and also for some, just plain denial and "ignore-ance."  But there
is also a section of people, quite widespread, who are feeling a heartsick hatred
for what's happening; feeling betrayed by the Democrats, many asking "NOW what can
we do?"

"Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week was born because some of us still paying
attention to torture (activists, writers, lawyers and groups) were clear: this very
bad program is continuing, with very bad ramifications.  So if the anti-torture
movement is scattered and small, why not pull all our strengths together and give it
a place to stand up?  We would zero in on the torture /illegal rendition established
under Bush and its continuation now under Obama.  We would bring together a strong,
diverse chorus of experts to put all that under a spotlight through a concentrated
week of public events.   We hoped to model what the political terrain should and can
look like, if people come together to raise in one voice their refusal to accept
torture and their determination to end it.  It is true as World Can't Wait has long
said: Silence + Torture = Complicity.  But that silence can be broken.

Our planning meetings were small.  We had no powerful institutional backing or
funds.  Friends counseled us, "these days you can't do too much . . ." But a couple
of highly respected leaders in the fight to stop torture agreed right away to anchor
the project (we thank you here for that: British journalist Andy Worthington and
former National Lawyers Guild president Marjorie Cohn).  Through weeks of outreach
far and wide (and not only to political activists) we soon found many more eager to
take part.  Through conversations that led to a wonderful artists' panel at the
Berkeley Art Museum, the Week came to the attention of famed artist Fernando Botero
("The Abu Ghraib Series") who sent his personal statement of support.  Al Young,
California's former poet laureate, sent voice recordings of three poems.

As word began to spread, networks sprang open: Journalist A introduced it to
journalist B, who reached out to blogger C.  A psychologist took it to the School of
the Americas Watch community – we began getting calls from lawyers asking if they
could speak – stores wanted posters up in their windows.  A well-known Berkeley
meditation center announced a series of their own meditations and discussions
devoted to the Week.  Actors and poets volunteered to perform.  Professors told us
they loved the concept and even though there'd be no official support from their
departments, they would encourage their students to attend and take part. The "No to
Torture" Week was tapping into something vibrant and real: PEOPLE WANT NEW AVENUES

The very first program was an author talk/conversation/reading by Andy Worthington
and Justine Sharrock, hosted by Revolution Books.  Andy is a leading investigative
journalist and filmmaker who's become a Guantanamo expert, having documented the
stories of these 774 men. Justine came in from a seemingly opposite pole – her book
examines the torture story from the vantage point of the low-level soldiers who took
part in some way, at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.  Their conversation was fascinating
– but even more so, once they were joined by Lauro Vasquez, a young poet from the
new San Francisco writers group, Revolutionary Poets Brigade.  Lauro's two poems
stilled the room and lifted the evening to a new level.

And the week went on like that: deep information, moving presentations, and amazing
chemistry between speakers and audience – between young and veteran – between
anti-torture experts many of whom have worked together but had never met in person
before.  A major news story exposing new exposure of the role of medical
professionals (including physicians) in the torture machine was "broken" at one of
our programs.  Speakers delivered passionate arguments connecting Abu
Ghraib/Guantanamo torture now to U.S. government-sponsored torture in 1970's Latin
America –and to the the Chicago scandal over police torture today – raising the
simple question: why is there an unbroken chain of torture over such long arcs of
American history, and what does it mean that now this torture is being openly
legitimized?  And there was the Giant John Yoo Debate on Tuesday that took all this
to the very law school where Yoo still teaches . . .

This report does not have room to describe all 17 events (they're listed on the
website: www.WeSayNoToTorture.net, with YouTubes giving a live glimpse of many of
them). Many people commented all week and in the days since on the impressive
quality of the entire ensemble of panels, readings, protests, and discussions.

    * Our teamwork was made especially powerful by our diversity: here were leading
anti-torture lawyers, journalists, and teachers, standing together with law
students and activists, and all of us having our hearts lifted by the fierce
truth-telling voices of poets and artists.  The Week was embraced by Fernando
Botero, but also by teachers and students in inner city high schools.  It was
approved as an official civic week by the Berkeley City Council, and taken up
enthusiastically across a political spectrum of civil liberties and human rights
groups, religious communities, progressive Democrats, revolutionary communists,
legal scholars, peace activists, former California and San Francisco poet
laureates and 22-year-old poets, and the local nonviolence/meditation center. 
Our venues were the UC campus, bookstores, churches, a university art museum,
high school classrooms, community centers, and bookstores.  The National Lawyers
Guild sponsored a professional credit course for attorneys, taught by Marjorie
Cohn; a staged reading from the drama "Pedro and the Captain" by Mario Benedetti
was professionally directed and performed on our closing night.

    * The radio airwaves brought the Week to an even wider audience on KALW (an NPR
affiliate), Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox show, and daily in-depth interviews all week
with Dennis Bernstein on KPFA's hard-hitting Flashpoints show featuring Andy
Worthington, Ray McGovern, Marjorie Cohn, Debra Sweet, Justine Sharrock, and
Patricia Isasa.

    * The startling irony that many of our programs took place right inside UC
Berkeley Law itself – the prestigious Boalt Hall, where John Yoo continues
teaching constitutional law and, presumably, serving as a role model for the
next generation of lawyers and judges – was noted by news reporters, many of our
speakers, and by the outspoken law students of the Boalt Alliance to Abolish
Torture (BAAT) and the National Lawyers Guild's Boalt chapter.  BAAT and the
NLG/Boalt hosted and spoke at many of the Week's main events, and their
representatives were courageous, passionate, and inspiring to all.  Watch them
in the YouTubes of the Giant John Yoo Debate and the Reckoning with Torture

    * As the Week unfolded, John Yoo's presence at Boalt was never far from many of
our minds.  If you walked along the main Berkeley avenues, all week the
lampposts were plastered up and down with "Arrest John Yoo" wanted posters.  The
Tuesday night "Giant John Yoo Debate" saw his video image projected 20 feet high
on Boalt Hall's front wall with well-known lawyers, activists, and law students
standing just below, debating his legal arguments point for point.  On Friday
night, Berkeley's Vice Mayor  Linda Maio welcomed the audience to the stellar
"Reckoning with Torture" performance with pointed comments about Yoo's presence
and his un-qualifications to be on the faculty, challenging the University to
"do some work." And:

    * The "Reckoning" was an amazing experience as the assembled readers stepped up
to the microphones.   By this time in the Week, many in the audience were more
deeply informed than ever about the damning facts about torture – yet still
something different and deeper moved between the stage and the audience as that
story came to life in the voices of both perpetrators – and their victims.

Thanks to the concerted effort of so many people, we accomplished a statement
against torture and in support of accountability for the perpetrators that is being
heard far beyond the borders of Berkeley.  We've already seen coverage in
alternative media based in Italy (reporting on the Giant John Yoo Debate) -
www.uruknet.info, and reports from organizations like The Refuge Media Project in
the US  - refugemediaproject.org

The blog New Left Project (England) published a reader comment that "Berkeley No to
Torture Week was an historical event! May the spirit of you all, and especially the
young man who stepped up to the mike to tell the truth at the risk of damaging his
education and/or career, continue to infect the conscientious, but fearful."

Find YouTube glimpses of many of the events  -- plus more news and links to radio
interviews and blogs at: WeSayNoToTorture.net

At this dedicated Website (sponsored and contributed to the Week's coalition by
World Can't Wait) we plan to continue posting media reports, links to more video
documenting many of the events, and your comments and reflections on this week of
one community putting its conscience into action.

Friends: in the almost two years since Bush and Cheney left office, we have seen an
unbroken continuation of the crimes committed under their regime.  In many ways, the
crimes of our government are widening, and worsening, under Obama.  The torture and
rendition; the death of due process, habeas and other basic rights for people abroad
and here; the illegal assumption of undue, unjust power by the President (who tells
his progressive critics to suck it up and shut up, lest you aid the Tea Partiers) –
this is not the change that so many hoped for, and as World Can't Wait continues to
insist: "Crimes are Crimes – No Matter WHO Does Them."

What made "Berkeley Says No To Torture" Week possible, and then turned it into a
reality, was the conscious activism and great volunteer energy that all of us – the
coalition of organizers and their respective organizations, the speakers and
participants – contributed because we saw a great need for the people in this
country to confront the simple fact that torture is never acceptable or legal, it is
always illegal, immoral, and wrong, and it is a war crime.  And that we are
responsible for stopping the war crimes of our government.

We give our sincere thanks to all who participated.
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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait