WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 10/25/22 Shut Down Creech Fall Action: Ground the Drones!
10/25/22 Shut Down Creech Fall Action: Ground the Drones! PDF Print E-mail

By The Shut Down Creech Organizing Team

More here.

Shut Down Creech is a 13-year campaign to Shut Down the illegal U.S. Drone Program by mobilizing people from across the country to gather for nonviolent resistance at the "Papa Daddy" of all US drone bases, Creech AFB.  Our fall action was an amazing week with lots of stories to share.


Each morning and afternoon vigil had a specific theme highlighting the different reasons for "being there," and to try to connect the dots between the US Drone Program, the abuses of global militarization and domination, and their effects on Mother Earth, the climate, the communities targeted by US Drone Strikes, our military personnel, and our democracy.

Watch THIS VIDEO of OUR CREECHERS, produced by John Amidon.  (4 min.).

On Wednesday morning we had a successful nonviolent resistance blockade to interrupt business as usual on the base and express our deepest sentiment: You do not have our consent.

Ultimately three woman, including two grandmothers were arrested, detained, cited and released, thankfully bypassing the Las Vegas jail.  This action was in coordination with anti-drone groups across the country who had simultaneous solidarity actions throughout the week to support Shut Down Creech week.  Most or all of us used the shared messaging:  "Can you see you are murdering me." In our action, we carried life-sized card board figures of the Ahmadi children killed in a US drone strike in Kabul in August 2021.

Huge gratitude to all the people who came throughout the week and contributed in so many ways.Together we all made a difference, planting seeds for the future.  It is our hope we moved many hearts and minds at Creech AFB and elsewhere.


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