WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 5/2/21 Carmen Trotta and Martha Hennessy To Get Early Release
5/2/21 Carmen Trotta and Martha Hennessy To Get Early Release PDF Print E-mail

From The Kings Bay Plowshares 7

Martha Hennessy and Carmen Trotta have been told that they will be getting early release to home confinement in two weeks. Martha in Danbury FCI had requested home confinement through the CARES Act which provides for early release for older inmates after serving half of their sentence in order to reduce prison populations to avoid Covid risks. However, she had to clear an old pending case from an anti-drone demonstration in Syracuse to qualify. This was finally done after much back and forth between attorney and judge. She is expecting to be released on May 17 or 18 and go back to her home in Vermont where she is eager to start spring planting.

Carmen was told that he also was going to be unexpectedly released on May 18 after five months in Otisville FCI and two months detention pre-trial. He has not reached sixty years old to be considered an older inmate. He will return to St. Joseph House Catholic Worker in New York City to serve the remainder of his 14 month sentence. He and Martha also now face three years of supervised probation.

Patrick O'Neill and Clare Grady continue to be incarcerated with no word if they will be eligible for early release. Mark Colville is due to report to the Brooklyn, NY Federal prison on June 8. Fr. Steve Kelly went on an Ignatian retreat after his release on April 13. Liz McAlister continues to live in New London, CT with her daughters and their families.


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