8-4-16 When the Democrats Chanted USA USA |
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We, War Criminals Watch/World Can't Wait, were in Philadelphia starting on Sunday, July 24th at the Clean Energy Revolution March with our model drone and banners stating Humanity and the Planet Comes First in many languages. We stayed there through the week as described below. By Debra Sweet World Can't Wait, in coalition with other groups, formed a small yet politically important presence in Philadelphia last week outside the convention. Thanks to the generosity of the Arch Street United Methodist Church we had the use of the sidewalk outside the building (which was around the corner from the Convention Center - one of the locations being used by the DNC) and a place to enter to cool off and recover intermittently from the tremendous heat and sun. Our display stopped some people in their tracks and made them think. People cried at the photos of those targeted by killer drones. Some stood there with their children going over each part of the display and explaining the reasons why it was there on the street. Sometimes we had arguments with passersby. And, our message made some subscribers to this newsletter "unsubscribe." Question: What do you make of the DNC organizing its convention to drown out chants oF "NO MORE WAR!" with "USA, USA!"? Write me:
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. "...But back to this ranting former general. The fact that Hillary Clinton picked him to give the speech setting up her acceptance speech speaks volumes about not just campaign tactics, but what she is preparing the “base” of the Democratic Party for. Allen is on the bloody leading edge of ratcheting up the hellish cycle of war and terror between Western imperialism and fundamentalist Islamic Jihad. In March of last year, Allen testified before Congress that “There’s no exit strategy for this” war—and he didn’t mean that as a bad thing. One Democratic Party congressman recently said of Allen: 'Once we get entrenched in the manner that the General is describing, we will literally never get out.'" Margot Kidder: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools You people have no idea what it is like for people from other countries to hear you boast and cheer for your guns and your bombs and your soldiers and your murderous military leaders and your war criminals and your murdering and conscienceless Commander in Chief. All those soaring words are received by the rest of us, by us non-Americans, by all the cells in our body, as absolutely repugnant and obscene. Cartoonist Sam Wallman: #ImWithHer Cindy Sheehan, Peace mom, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq five days after deployment. Cindy is caring for her sister Dede who has cancer, but released a statement she had made about Hillary Clinton several years ago: My suspicions about Hillary Clinton were confirmed in a meeting I had with her on Capitol Hill [in September 2005] where she said that the US had to remain in Iraq to “honor” the sacrifices of those that had died after I told her that I didn’t want my son’s death honored with more murder and mayhem.
As Hillary Clinton begins her final charge for the White House, her advisers are already recommending air strikes and other new military measures against the Assad regime in Syria. Despite clear indications that with every aerial bombardment and drone strike, opposition to the U.S. is hardened across the region, Reuters reports that Monday the Obama administration began bombing "ISIS" targets — they say — in Libya. The Intercept reports: The U.S. launched a major new military campaign against ISIS on Monday when U.S. planes bombed targets in Libya, responding to requests from the U.N.-backed Libyan government. Strikes took place in the coastal town of Sirte, which ISIS took in June of last year. No amount of justifications can cover this illegitimate, immoral, unjust war on the world!
More from the week of protest: Thanks to co-sponsors of the week of activities: kNOw Drones, Brandywine Peace Community, Philadelphia Area Anti-Drone Network and CodePink. Thanks also to endorsers: the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Catholic Peace Fellowship/Philadelphia Chapter, Green Party of Philadelphia, Manhattan Green Party, NYC Metro Raging Grannies, NY Granny Peace Brigade, Peace Center of Delaware County, Veterans for Peace Chapters 31 & 34 and Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (Greater Philadelphia Branch). Big thanks to the Arch Street Methodist Church, and Rev. Robin Hynicka who pened their doors and sidewalks to the anti-war display, and provided a refuge from the heat for hundreds. World Can't Wait organized the main anti-war rally in Philly. People from around the country, representative of varied ages and backgrounds of the groupings protesting around the convention, attended, listened thoughtfully and individuals often joined in speaking out. While we wish it would have been even larger, it provided the opportunity to gather together and share information, culture and analysis of the current situation. We thank these organizations and others for participating: Brandywine Peace Community CodePink German Drone Campaign Iraq Veterans Against the War kNOwDrones.com NYC Metro Raging Grannies Philadelphia Area Anti-Drone Network Revolution Club Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (Greater Phil. Branch)