From Stars and Stripes | Original Article
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany — Carrying signs telling the U.S. military “to go home” and “to stop war,” hundreds gathered for several hours outside Ramstein Air Base on Saturday, peacefully protesting against the ongoing military activities supported by the base.
The Berlin-based alliance Stop Ramstein – no Drone War organized the demonstration.
Protesters representing various political and peace organizations from all over Germany staged by the train station in Landstuhl before walking to the parking lot outside the base’s West Gate. One lane was blocked off, and protesters marched from the parking lot to the traffic circle while dozens of German police officers stood by in partial riot gear.
One of the aims of the demonstration was to call for the end of the base’s alleged use as a satellite relay station in the U.S. drone program overseas. As such, one sign in English read: “No to the killer terror drones.”
Another sign said: “The war is over, you can go home now.”
Most protesters were friendly, flashing peace signs to passers-by. Led by a couple of German folk singers and a rapper, they sang songs, waved their arms and clapped. A few marched barefoot.