5-28-09 Anti-Torture March in Honolulu |
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People showed up early to hold signs along Beretania Street in front of the Hawai`i State Capitol before our march took off for the downtown business district at 4pm. We were smaller than we had hoped, but we made a big impact as our chants bounced off the 30-story business buildings. People sitting in the mall read our bright orange banners and signs; a few clapped to the slogans. A prominent lawyer stepping out of his office jerked his head around and gave a big thumbs up when he heard our chant: “Torture is a War Crime! Prosecute! Prosecute!”. Starbucks' customers stood up to read the signs. We were loud, we were orange, and we definitely broke the silence! When we reached the Federal Building our bright orange banners and signs lined Ala Moana Blvd., where rush-hour traffic was at a virtual crawl. Response from passers-by was overwhelmingly positive. When traffic lightened up we gathered for a short rally. Looking at the faces of the people at the rally one couldn't help but be moved by its diversity: World Can't Wait organizers, lawyers, college students, communists, pacifists, sovereignty activists, pastors and retirees. And while we numbered only 35 people, we all knew we represented a much larger community of people who oppose torture that needs to be mobilized to become a visible movement. The spirit was determined and upbeat and the possibility became more real as people shared ideas about making that happen.