5-28-09 Atlanta Protest a Success! Print

On Thursday May 28, 2009, Metro Atlanta Humanitarian Advocates and the Atlanta chapter of World Can´t Wait stood together in downtown Atlanta to protest against the use of torture by the United States during the Bush administration. We firmly (and loudly) demanded accountability, transparency and the prosecution of those high level government officials responsible for condoning and implementing the Bush policy of torture.dsc02911

We originally gathered at the Five Points MARTA station downtown, but were harassed by the local police and were threatened with arrests if we did not vacate the original site. After about an hour at the Five Points MARTA station we proceeded to march and chant down Marietta Street until we stopped across the street from Centennial Park and CNN´s headquarters. We stayed there and continued to protest for about another 30 minutes.

We got some good press coverage, in fact, the police even threatened to arrest the journalists that were there as well. All in all, it was a good afternoon and we are all satisfied with how it went. We sparked a lot of debate amongst the people we encountered during the protest!